Most of time, when we want to test function call inside a promise, we can do: it('Should be async', function(done) { someAsyncFunction().then(function(result) { expect(result).toBe(true); done(); }); }); It is important to call 'done()', otherwise, t…
Install Karam: npm install -g karma npm install -g karma-cli Init Karam: karma init First test: 1. Add test file to the karma.conf.js: // list of files / patterns to load in the browser files: [ 'test/hello.js' ], 2. Add test file: describe('First Un…
Unit testing functions that invoke callbacks can require a lot of setup code. Using sinon.spy to create a fake callback function can simplify your unit tests while still allowing you to observe the output of the function you're testing. const fs = re…
转载自: What are Unit Testing, Integration Testing and Functional Testing? TAGS: TESTINGUNIT TESTING Finding your way around the maze that is JavaScr…
These are the contents of my training session about unit testing, and also have some introductions about how could we write better unit tests with NSubstitute framework. The related sessions: Unit Testing with NSubstitute Building the Testing Pipelin…
body{ font: 16px/1.5em 微软雅黑,arial,verdana,helvetica,sans-serif; }           QUnit是一个基于JQuery的单元测试Unit Testing 框架.虽然是基于JQuery但用来测试纯Javascript代码. 用来运行Javascript单元测试用例的html页面是这样的: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8&q… API Sanity AutoTest Description: An automatic generator of basic unit tests for a shared C/C++ library. It helps to quickly generate simple ("sanity" or "shallow"-quality) test cases for ever…
Unit Testing a zend-mvc application A solid unit test suite is essential for ongoing development in large projects, especially those with many people involved. Going back and manually testing every individual component of an application after every c…
Summary: Guest blogger, Dave Wyatt, discusses using Pester to analyze small pieces of Windows PowerShell code. Note   This is a five-part series that includes the following posts: What is Pester and Why Should I Care?Learn about a new test framework…
It’s usually good practice to have automated unit tests while developing your code. Doing so helps you find bugs early in the development cycle and saves you time in the long run. These tests can be run by the developer multiple times to verify the b…
Sometimes when writing a unit test, you know that the module you're testing imports a module that you would like to observe, or at the very least mock to prevent side effects like network activity or file system operations. For JavaScript unit tests…
In this lesson, we’ll get the most fundamental understanding of what an automated test is in JavaScript. A test is code that throws an error when the actual result of something does not match the expected output. Tests can get more complicated when y…
What's the difference between DOM and SAX? DOM creates tree-like representation of the XML document in memory, SAX is event-based.  What's the difference between XSD and DTD? XSD is in XML, DTD is not. XSD is much more comprehensive than DTD You're g…
/********************************************************************** * Unit testing Cmockery 简单使用 * 说明: * 之前早有听说过Cmockery,但一直没有使用起来,主要是也不知道用来做 * 什么,当然现在其实也不知道用来做什么,不过还是想编译一下,看下效果, * 然后搞了一个最简单的测试程序看一下效果. * * 2016-5-3 深圳 南山平山村 曾剑锋 ******************…
MVC Unit Testing 参考文档: 1. 2. 1 Walkthrouth:Using TDD with ASP.NET MVC 参考文档: gg416511(VS.98).aspx 1.1 Use VS Unit Testing fr…
读书笔记-实用单元测试(英文版) Pragmatic Unit Testing in C# with NUnit Author: Andrew Hunt ,David Thomas with Matt Hargett Chapter1: 介绍. 单元测试不是用户和管理人员使用的工具.而是程序员自己为自己写的,用于验证代码的工具. 单元测试提高了我们对自己输写的程序的信心. 单元测试可以证明程序是按照程序的意愿进行工作的. 单元测试可以让我们把更多的时间放在coding上,而不是debugging…
原文 VS2010(2012)中使用Unit Testing进行单元测试 使用VS 2012自带的Unit Testing工具进行单元测试是非常方便的.网上关于这方面的例子很多,这篇随笔只起个人学习笔记之用,所以脉络不会很清晰. 1.简单Demo: 待测试类: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; nam…
TestApe - Unit testing for embedded software About this site Welcome - This site is Most likely you arrived here for one of the reasons listed below. You want to download or use the TestApe unit test framework. The TestApe unit test fram…
相对于传统的Unit Test,VS2017 带来了一个新的功能,叫Live Unit Testing,从字面意思理解就是实时单元测试,在实际的使用中,这个功能就是可以在编写代码的时候进行实时的background的单元测试. 在体验之前,有几点注意事项是需要了解的: 1.目前 live unit tesing仅仅支持 C#和VB的传统.net版本,不支持.net core,当然,我觉得也不支持其他的语言,这点是暂时让我遗憾的,因为从体验的结果来看,如果能支持其他的语言,无疑是非常非常吸引人的功…
The Art of Unit Testing With Examples in .NET…
It is recommened to write unit testing with Mockito in Spring framework, because it is much faster with Spring framework test. But in case you can doing MVC, you still need to use spring framework test. In this post, we need to understand why to use…
Previously we have seen how to do Unit testing with Mockito; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; public class SomeBusinessMockTests { @Tes…
An async function can contain an await expression that pauses the execution of the async function and waits for the passed Promise's resolution, and then resumes the async function's execution and returns the resolved value. Remember, the await keywo…
Original link: Unit Testing of Spring MVC Controllers: “Normal” Controllers by PETRI KAINULAINEN on JULY 7, 2013 The first part of…
Original Link: Unit Testing of Spring MVC Controllers: Configuration by PETRI KAINULAINEN on JUNE 28, 2013 Writing unit tests for Sprin…
source code Unit testing C# code in .NET Core using dotnet test and xUnit | Microsoft Docs Comparing to…
The await operator is used to wait for a promise to settle. It pauses the execution of an async function until the promise is either fulfilled or rejected. const API_URL = ""; const output = document.getElementB…
转自 yet another insignificant programming notes...   |   HOME TABLE OF CONTENTS (SHOW) Java Unit Testing -  & TestNG 1.  Introduction to Unit Testing Framework The various type o…
Live Unit Testing 相对于传统的Unit Test,VS2017 带来了一个新的功能,叫Live Unit Testing,从字面意思理解就是实时单元测试,在实际的使用中,这个功能就是可以在编写代码的时候进行实时的background的单元测试. 在体验之前,有几点注意事项是需要了解的: 1.目前 live unit tesing仅仅支持 C#和VB的传统.net版本,不支持.net core,当然,我觉得也不支持其他的语言,这点是暂时让我遗憾的,因为从体验的结果来看,如果能支持…
原文:AY写给国人的教程- VS2017 Live Unit Testing[1/2]-C#人爱学不学-aaronyang技术分享 谢谢大家观看-AY的 VS2017推广系列 Live Unit Testing AY当前VS的版本---- 15.7.1 目前从15.3版本开始,就开始支持.net core的,网上很多资料都是旧的 创建空解决方案UtilityLibraries 添加一个 .NET Standard库 添加类StringLibrary C# using System; namesp…