RTL Compiler之synthesis flow】的更多相关文章

1 generic RTL Compiler work flow 2 invoking RTL compiler RTL Compiler is invoked from the operating system prompt through the rc command. rc [-32 | -64 | -32only | -64only | -3264 | -6432] [-quiet3264] [-debug3264] [-plat platform ] [-v3264] [-help32…
1 synthesis steps 1) Search Paths rc:/> set_attribute lib_search_path path / rc:/> set_attribute script_search_path path /  rc:/> set_attribute hdl_search_path path / 2) Target Technology Library rc:/> set_attribute   library  lib_name.lib  - …
Synthesis = Translation +  Logic Optimization + Mapping Step 1 Source files 1) make directory mkdir Lab cd Lab mkdir HDL cd HDL 2) Verilog code // --------- Full Adder ----------------- module fulladder(sum, c_out, x, y, c_in); output sum, c_out; inp…
1 Target Library Design Compiler uses the target library to build a circuit. During mapping, Design Compiler selects functionally correct gates from the target library. It also calculates the timing of the circuit, using the vendor-supplied timing da…
在PD之后,netlist中会多出很多DCAP元件(去耦电容,减少IR-Drop)或者filter cell(保证芯片均匀度要求) 还有一些antenna cell也就是一些diode用来泻流,防止天线效应(生产中裸露的metal,收集电荷,击穿栅极) 版图一般由两层组成:base layer和metal layer. base layer由p-substrate和n-well组成. 封装前的芯片叫做die,长满die的晶圆叫做wafer GDS相对于RTL的要求: RTL+SDC经过synth…
转自:http://hi.baidu.com/renmeman/item/5bd83496e3fc816bf14215db RTL级,registertransferlevel,指的是用寄存器这一级别的描述方式来描述电路的数据流方式:而Behavior级指的是仅仅描述电路的功能而可以采用任何verilog语法的描述方式.鉴于这个区别,RTL级描述的目标就是可综合,而行为级描述的目标就是实现特定的功能而没有可综合(可实现)的限制. 行为级是RTL的上一层,行为级是最符合人类逻辑思维方式的描述角度,…
Verilog语言可以有多种方式来描述硬件,同时,使用这些描述方式,又可以在多个抽象层次上设计硬件,这是Verilog语言的重要特征. 在Verilog语言中,有以下3种最基本的描述方式: 数据流描述:采用assign连续赋值语句 行为描述:使用always语句或initial语句块中的过程赋值语句(推荐掌握) 结构化描述:实例化已有的功能模块或原语 以一个4位全加器为例: 数据流描述 行为描述 结构化描述 module Full_Add_4b_1( A, B, Cin, Sum, Cout )…
2013-06-25 16:40:45 下面是xilinx官网上的问答贴: http://china.xilinx.com/support/answers/41500.htm#solution The difference between RTL and technology schematic Description After XST synthesis is completed, I am able to view both RTL and technology schematic.I f…
Compiler 1.2 the structure  of a compiler Compiler : analysis and synthesis syntactically  语法上的 semantically  语意上的 The analysis part breaks up the source program into constituent pieces and imposes a grammatical structure on them. The analysis part a…
The following file is to read all design files into syntehsis tool automatically, like Cadence RTL Compiler. set srcbasic ${HDLPATH}/01_VHDLBasiclib set srcasictop ${HDLPATH}/02_ASIC/01_Top set srcrfid ${HDLPATH}/02_ASIC/02_RFID set srcmsp ${HDLPATH}…