CHAPTER 8 Out of Darkness 第8章 走出黑暗 We expect scientists to be trying to discover new things, and for science to be constantly changing. But what would science be like if we thought that everything had already been discovered? Being a top scientist mi…
CHAPTER 19 Ordering the World 第19章 分类世界 Our planet is home to a bewildering variety of plants and animals. We still don't know exactly how many insects or sea creatures there are. We rightly worry that the human race is reducing their number. ‘Endang…
CHAPTER 7 Science in Islam 第7章 伊斯兰中的科学 Galen did not live to see the decline of the Roman Empire, but by AD 307 it had been split in two. The new emperor, Constantine (280-337), moved his seat of power to the east- to Constantinople, now Istanbul in…
7.1 Ext.MessageBox 7.1 Ext.MessageBox //Ext.MessageBox为我们提供的alert/confirm/prompt等完全可以代替浏览器原生; 7.1.1 Ext.MessageBox.alert() Ext.MessageBox.alert('标题','内容',function(btn){ //参数一:窗口的标题; //参数二:窗口的内容; //参数三:回调函数; alert('你刚刚点击了'+btn); }); 7.1.2 Ext.MessageB…
motorcycles = ["honda", "yamaha", "suzuki"] first_owned = motorcycles.pop(0) print("The first motorcycle I owned was a " + first_owned.title() + ".") 输出为: The first motorcycle I owned was a Honda.…
github地址: 题目 小时候数学老师的随堂测验,都是老师在黑板上写题目,学生在下边抄,然后再做题目.设计一个程序,模拟学生A和B抄题目做试卷的过程. 基础版本 class TestPaperA(): def test_question_1(self): print("题目1: !+1=?,a.2 b.3 c.4. d.1") print("我选:a") def t…
CHAPTER 7.Input and Output Patterns 本章关注一个最经常忽略的问题,来改进MapReduce 的value:自定义输入和输出.我们并不会总使用Mapreduce本身的方式加载或存储数据.有时,可以跳过在hdfs存储数据这项耗时的阶段,仅存储一些数据,不是全部的,或直接在MapReduce结束后输送给后面的处理.有时,基本的Hadoop规范,文件块和输入分割不能完成你需要的事情,所以要使用自定义的InputFormat或OutputFormat. 本章三个模式处理…
Chapter 9 Exceptions and Interrupts 第9章 异常和中断 Interrupts and exceptions are special kinds of control transfer; they work somewhat like unprogrammed CALLs. They alter the normal program flow to handle external events or to report errors or exceptional…
转载地址: 3.1. Getting Started 入门The following tutorials introduce some of the basics of Gradle, to help you get started.<翻译> 接下来的教程介绍了一些帮助你入门的一些Gradle基础知识. Chapter 4, Installing Gradle 第四章,安装GradleDescribes how…
在这一章中,我们将直接进入项目,并且为产品和分类添加一些基本的模型类.我们将在Entity Framework的代码优先模式下,利用这些模型类创建一个数据库.我们还将学习如何在代码中创建数据库上下文类.指定数据库连接字符串以及创建一个数据库.最后,我们还将添加视图和控制器来管理和显式产品和分类数据. 注意:如果你想按照本章的代码编写示例,你必须完成第一章或者直接从www.apress.com下载第一章的源代码. 2.1 添加模型类 Entity Framework的代码优先模式允许我们从模型类创…