error items-9022:missing required icon file.the bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone/iPad Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels,in.pen format for ios versions >= 7.0 最近提交itunesconnect应用时,有个警告说缺少120x120图标 以下是本人解决方法: 添加Icon_120x120.png-->.plist添…
方法一:点击左侧的“项目”栏,看“构建目录”栏的路径,一定要注意,在路径中一定不要出现汉字,否则一定会报“error while building deploying project”的错误. 方法二:每次生成新项目时,把“构建目录”里边的内容删除,重新构建路径,格式如:xxx-build-desktop-Qt_xxx_Qt_xxx_Debug…
第一种方法: 你安装的是专门开发java项目的,而Dynamic Web Project 属于J2EE技术,所以你要专门下载一个集成了J2EE插件的Eclipse,(eclipse-jee-helios-SR2-win32),到eclipse官网下载相对应版本的IDE, 官网下载: 选择:Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers 第二种方法: 为当前的eclipse安装Java EE开…
因为电脑卡死强制重启电脑后打开idea,进行junit单元测试报错: idea报错.Error:Failed to load project configuration: cannot parse xml file E:\project\.idea\workspace.xml: Error on line 1: 前言中不允许有内容. 解决方案: 将文件夹中workspace.xml的内容粘贴到idea中的workspace.xml即可…
错误截图如下: Error while importing sbt project: List([info] Loading global plugins from C:\Users\RYJ\.sbt\1.0\plugins [warn] insecure HTTP request is deprecated ''; switch to HTTPS or opt-in as ("aliyun&q…
在Eclipse ADT来开发Android App时会遇到以下问题:"myproject/gen already exists but is not a source folder. Convert to a source folder or rename it" 解决办法是: 1.Right click on the project and go to "Properties" 2.Select "Java Build Path" on th…
报错:Access restriction: The method decodeBuffer(String) from the type CharacterDecoder is not accessible due to restriction on required library Access restriction: The constructor BASE64Decoder() is not accessible due to restriction on required librar…