1.Who uses Recruiting Application. 2. Recruiting Application Object Model…
Dev 401-003:Application Essential:Building Your Data Model Object Relationships1.Link two objects- Parent to child- One to Many2.Two main Types:- Look up- Master- Detail3.Two special types:- Self- Many to many Lookkup Relationships1.Loosely coupled-…
Dev 401-005 Application Essential: Introducing Business Logic Module Agenda1.Custom object Queues2.Workflow3.Formula Fields4.Roll up Summary Fields5.Validation Rules. Module Overview1.Create a custom object queue.2.Create an event-based workflow with…
Dev401-020:Visualforce Pages: Introduction to Visualforce Course Objectives1.Understand the benefits of using static resources and use them in pages.2.Construct partial page refreshes using AJAX with Visualforce tags.3.Create simple custom components…
Dev401-017:Data Management: Introduction to Upsert Module Objectives1.Define upsert.2.Define external ID.3.List typical use case where upsert is useful.4.List typical use case where upsert with relationships is useful.5.Explain how external IDs are u…
Module Objectives1.List feature that affect access to data at the record level.2.List the organization wide default(OWD) settings.3.List and define the sharing levels.4.Set Organization wide defaults.5.Create a role.6.Create a public group.7.Create a…
Dev401-011: Building Business Processes that You Want Course Objectives1.Describe the capabilities of data validation rules2.Create an approval process.3.Describe when to user parallel approvers.4.List user cases for skipping steps within approval pr…
Dev 401-004:Application essential:Building Your user Interface: Module Agenda1.Custom Applications2.Custom Tabs3.Custom page Layouts Page Layouts1. Page layout define the organization of :- fields- Custom links- Related lists on an object detail or e…
Dev 401-002:Application Essentials:Designing Application on the Force.com Platform Course Objectives1.Describe the type of application best suited for the Force.com platform.2.Describe the feature of the Force.com platform that help you build your da…
Dev 401-007 Designing Applications for Multiple users: Managing your users' experience part 1 Module Objectives1.List the different types and characteristics of license the Force.com platform supports/2.List the things a profile controls in the appli…