We will learn how to add React Router to a Redux project and make it render our root component. Install: npm install --save react-router import React from 'react'; import {Provider} from 'react-redux'; import {Router, Route} from 'react-router'; impo…
Redux 原理 1. 单一数据源 all states ==>Store 随着组件的复杂度上升(包括交互逻辑和业务逻辑),数据来源逐渐混乱,导致组件内部数据调用十分复杂,会产生数据冗余或者混用等情况. Store 的基本思想是将所有的数据集中管理,数据通过 Store 分类处理更新,不再在组件内放养式生长. 2. 单向数据流 dispatch(actionCreator) => Reducer => (state, action) => state 单向数据流保证了数据的变化是有…
因为redux和react的版本更新的比较频繁,博客园这里用的redux版本是1.0.1,如果你关心最新版本的使用技巧,欢迎来我的Github查看(https://github.com/matthew-sun/blog/issues/18) ,我会在这里进行持续的更新和纠错. React是最好的前端库,因为其发源于世界上最好的后端语言框架. ---信仰 4.0 will likely be the last major release. Use Redux instead. It's reall…
As I am sure you have heard a bunch of times, by now, React is the V in MVC. I think you can think of Redux as the M. Really, React + Redux kind of also act as the C. So, you could just manage your state directly within your React components, and in…
使用Redux管理你的React应用 因为redux和react的版本更新的比较频繁,博客园这里用的redux版本是1.0.1,如果你关心最新版本的使用技巧,欢迎来我的Github查看(https://github.com/matthew-sun/blog/issues/18) ,我会在这里进行持续的更新和纠错. React是最好的前端库,因为其发源于世界上最好的后端语言框架. ---信仰 4.0 will likely be the last major release. Use Redu…
大家都知道,react的一个痛点就是非父子关系的组件之间的通信,其官方文档对此也并不避讳: For communication between two components that don't have a parent-child relationship, you can set up your own global event system. Subscribe to events in componentDidMount(), unsubscribe in componentWillU…