Tree Collection 2 Table of Contents Introduction Structure Interfaces Data Node structure Tree structure Terminology Quickstart Documentation Instantiation Conversion Counts Relationships Boolean properties Adding an element Adding a tree Moving a no…
Scetion 1: The Flowgraph The flowgraph moves data from sources into sinks. 一个流图由多个模块组成,其中一般包括信源(Source)模块和信宿(Sink)模块,然后通过连线将他们连接在一起并形成一个顶层模块(top_block类),最后通过调用顶层模块下的start()成员函数启动GNU Radio平台下的软件运行.在运行过程中,每一个模块都相当于是一个线程,通过GNU Radio平台下的调度机制将信源模块产生的数据经过一…
The only thing more painful than learning from experience is not learning from experience. 比从经验中学习更为痛苦的事情就是没能从经验中学习. Learning from experience is painful, but the alternative of not learning is worse. Yes, it it easy to understand why not learning fro…
摘要:Wright’s F‑statistics, and especially FST, provide important insights into the evolutionary processes that influence the structure of genetic variation within and among populations, and they are among the most widely used descriptive statistics in…
Critical Log Review Checklist for Security Incidents This cheat sheet presents a checklist for reviewing critical logs when responding to a security incident. It can also be used for routine log review. It was authored by Anton Chuvakin and Lenny Zel…
1.berfore we talking abnout the Source Code review,here's what we want to know about the most popular programming langurages . Web application development :Java C#  NET and PHP Drivers and handware C C#   and assembly language Reverse engineering : A…
持续更新中- 原文最新链接 Github译文链接 对于刚开始学习和使用 Go 的新手来说,有这么几个资源值得关注. A Tour of Go How to Write Go Code Frequently Asked Que…
原文地址: As part of StorageReview's continued advancements in both testing protocol and enterprise lab development, we're taking a renewed look at first generation flash drives that…
Dynamic Label Propagation for Semi-supervised Multi-class Multi-label Classification ICCV 2013 在基于Graph的半监督学习方法中,分类的精度高度依赖于可用的有标签数据 和 相似性度量的精度.此处,本文提出一种半监督的 multi-class and multi-label 分类机制,Dynamic Label Propagation(DLP),是在一个动态的过程中传递,执行 transductive…
本文是对文献 <Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications> 的内容总结,详细内容请参照原文. 引言 大量的学习任务都要求能处理包含丰富的元素间关联关系的图数据,例如物理系统建模.疾病分类以及文本和图像等非结构数据的学习等.图形神经网络(GNNs)是一种连接模型,通过图形节点之间的消息传递捕获图形的依赖性. 图(Graph)是一种对一组对象(node)及其关系(edge)进行建模的数据结构.由于图结构的强大表示能力,近…