Given a string S, you are allowed to convert it to a palindrome by adding characters in front of it. Find and return the shortest palindrome you can find by performing this transformation. For example: Given "aacecaaa", return "aaacecaaa&qu…
Given a string, determine if it is a palindrome, considering only alphanumeric characters and ignoring cases. Note: For the purpose of this problem, we define empty string as valid palindrome. Example 1: Input: "A man, a plan, a canal: Panama" O…
Given a string s, you are allowed to convert it to a palindrome by adding characters in front of it. Find and return the shortest palindrome you can find by performing this transformation. Example 1: Input: "aacecaaa" Output: "aaacecaaa&quo…
d.求对字符串最少添加几个字符可变为回文串. s. 法1:直接对它和它的逆序串求最长公共子序列长度len.N-len即为所求.(N为串长度) 因为,要求最少添加几个字符,我们可以先从原串中找到一个最长回文子序列,然后对于原串中不属于这个回文子序列的字符,在串中的相应位置添加一个相同的字符即可.那么需要添加的字符数量即为N-len. 最长回文串可以看作是原串中前面和后面字符的一种匹配(每个后面的字符在前面找到一个符合位置要求的与它相同的字符).这种的回文匹配和原串与逆序串的公共子序列是一一对应的(…
Description 给定k个长度不超过L的01串,求有多少长度为n的01串S满足: 1.该串是回文串 2.该串不存在两个不重叠的子串,在给定的k个串中. 即不存在a<=b<c<=d,S[a,b]是k个串中的一个,S[c,d]是k个串中的一个 (It does not contain two non-overlapped substrings in the given list of K binary strings.) 举个例子,若给定2(k=2)个01串:101和1001 1010…