using System; using System.Data; namespace Sunlib { public static class DataHelper { //将数据库数据对象转换为实体值对象 //T:要转换的类型 //columnName:列名 //defValue:默认值 public static T ToValue<T>(DataRow dr, string columnName,T defValue) { if(dr.Table.Columns.Contains(col…
Java链接Redis时出现 "ERR Client sent AUTH, but no password is set" 异常的原因及解决办法 [错误提示] redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Could not get a resource from the poolat redis.clients.util.Pool.getResource( redis.clients.j…
为什么 由于工作是做数据ETL的,很多时候会使用到正则对数据进行提取,但是java的正则中的groupname不支持'_',官方的文档中是这样的: Group name A capturing group can also be assigned a "name", a named-capturing group, and then be back-referenced later by the "name". Group names are composed of…