描述 http://www.lydsy.com/JudgeOnline/problem.php?id=1025 给出\(n\)个点以及之间的边的长度,给出必须访问的点的顺序,求最短路线长度. 分析 用Floyd求多源最短路,然后加起来就好了. #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; +,maxm=+; int n,m,ans; int a[maxm]; int d[maxn][maxn]; inline ;;;+c-';return x*=k…
直接floyd.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> #include<iostream> #include<vector> #define rep( i , n ) for( int i = 0 ; i < n ; +…
P2910 [USACO08OPEN]寻宝之路Clear And Present Danger 题目描述 Farmer John is on a boat seeking fabled treasure on one of the N (1 <= N <= 100) islands conveniently labeled 1..N in the Cowribbean Sea. The treasure map tells him that he must travel through a c…
题目描述 Farmer John is on a boat seeking fabled treasure on one of the N (1 <= N <= 100) islands conveniently labeled 1..N in the Cowribbean Sea. The treasure map tells him that he must travel through a certain sequence A_1, A_2, ..., A_M of M (2 <=…
题目描述 Farmer John is on a boat seeking fabled treasure on one of the N (1 <= N <= 100) islands conveniently labeled 1..N in the Cowribbean Sea. The treasure map tells him that he must travel through a certain sequence A_1, A_2, ..., A_M of M (2 <=…
https://www.luogu.org/problem/show?pid=2910 题目描述 Farmer John is on a boat seeking fabled treasure on one of the N (1 <= N <= 100) islands conveniently labeled 1..N in the Cowribbean Sea. The treasure map tells him that he must travel through a certa…
弗洛伊德之后按序列加起来即可 #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; const int N=50005; int n,m,a[10001],d[101][101],ans; int read() { int r=0,f=1; char p=getchar(); while(p>'9'||p<'0') { if(p=='-') f=-1; p=g…
Search GO 说明:输入题号直接进入相应题目,如需搜索含数字的题目,请在关键词前加单引号 Problem ID Title Source AC Submit Y 1000 A+B Problem 10983 18765 Y 1036 [ZJOI2008]树的统计Count 5293 13132 Y 1588 [HNOI2002]营业额统计 5056 13607 1001 [BeiJing2006]狼抓兔子 4526 18386 Y 2002 [Hnoi2010]Bounce 弹飞绵羊 43…