My current project requires a lot of work with Deep Zoom images. We recently received some very high-res photos, around 500M tiff files, some of which Deep Zoom Composer was unable to process. My first thought was to split them into smaller pieces an…
    参考 Deep Zoom in Silverlight…
openseadragon.js 是一款用来做图像缩放的插件,它可以用来做图片展示,做展示的插件很多,也很优秀,但大多数都解决不了图片尺寸过大的问题. 艺术品图像展示就是最简单的例子,展示此类图片一般要求比较精细,所以图片尺寸很大,如果按照普通的方式直接将整个图片加载,要耗费巨大的带宽. openseadragon.js 即为此而生,它展示的图像,必须经过切割处理,当放大图像时,才去加载更大的尺寸,真正做到了按需加载. 值得一提的是,openseadragon.js是微软公司的一款开源产品,非常…
原文:零元学Expression Blend 4 - Chapter 23 Deep Zoom Composer与Deep Zoom功能 最近有机会在工作上用到Deep Zoom这个功能,我就顺便介绍一下这个一直很夯的功能吧! 虽然有很多前辈已经写过Deep Zoom的相关介绍文章了,但我想用自己的方式再把Deep Zoom这个功能整理的更完整一点. ? 最近有机会在工作上用到Deep Zoom这个功能,我就顺便介绍一下这个一直很夯的功能吧! ? 虽然有很多前辈已经写过Deep Zoom的相关介…
Problem Description After AC all the hardest problems in the world , the ACboy 8006 now has nothing to do . One day he goes to an old library to find a part-time job .It is also a big library which has N books and M users.The user's id is from 1 to M…
Versions Angular CLI: 6.0.7 Node: 9.3.0 OS: darwin x64 Angular: 6.0.3 ... animations, common, compiler, compiler-cli, core, forms ... http, language-service, platform-browser ... platform-browser-dynamic, router Package Version ----------------------…
链表. #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #define MAXM 1001 #define MAXN 100001 int un[MAXM], ub[MAXM]; int v[MAXN]; int next[MAXN]; int comp(const void *a, const void *b) { return *(int *)a - *(int *)b; } int main() {…
If you have m2e installed and the project already is a maven project but the maven dependencies are still missing, the easiest way that worked for me was right click the project, Maven, Update Project...…
Link :http://xstream.codehaus.org/index.html http://www.cnblogs.com/hoojo/archive/2011/04/22/2025197.html…
Customizing graphics GraphicsLaTeXLattice (Treillis) plots In this chapter (it tends to be overly comprehensive: consider it as a reference and feel free to skip it), we consider all the configurable details in graphics: symbols, colours, annotations…