what is the BlackLevel? 暗电流来源1.raw8为例,单个pixel的有效值是0~255,但是实际AD芯片的精度可能无法将电压值很小的一部分转换出来,芯片厂会刻意添加一个固定的偏移量以达到阈值转换电压,使输出的pixel value在5(阈值电压,非固定)~255之间,目的是为了让暗部的细节完全保留,当然同时也会损失一些亮部细节. 暗电流来源2.sensor的电路本身会存在暗电流,导致在没有光线照射的时候,像素单位也有一定的输出电压,暗电流这个东西跟 …
While I was at GDC I had the pleasure of attending the Rendering with Conviction talk by Stephen Hill, one of the topics was so cool that I thought it would be fun to try it out. The hierarchical z-buffer solution presented at GDC borrows heavily fr…
[译]Vulkan教程(30)深度缓存 Depth buffering 深度缓存 Introduction 入门 The geometry we've worked with so far is projected into 3D, but it's still completely flat. In this chapter we're going to add a Z coordinate to the position to prepare for 3D meshes. We'll use…