For a quarter of a century, the relational database (RDBMS) has been the dominant model for database management. But, today, non-relational, “cloud,” or “NoSQL” databases are gaining mindshare as an alternative model for database management. In this…
初识 NoSQL Databases RethinkDB rethinkDB所有数据都是基于 json的Document; 官网: github: 一:mac os 安装 rethinkDB 及简单使用 1: 先 下载 安装文件:然后打开 dmg文件,双击安装: 2:打开--终端 --- 输入 rethinkdb ---回车,即可启动 rethinkdb 本地服务器 3:在浏览…
原文: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everything you need to know about NoSQL databases  Lucas OliveraJun 4 Update… Core NoSQL Systems: [Mostly originated out of a Web 2.0 need] Wide Column Store / Column Families Hadoop / HBase API: Java / any writer, Protocol: any write call, Query Method: MapReduce Java / any exec, Replication: HDFS Re…
关键字补充(不晓得的自己去Google): 负载均衡  \文件上传到服务器\建表建动态列簇\数据仓库的应用\事务的提交和回滚\SQL执行计划\联机事务处理\联机分析处理\多表关联查询\数据存储引擎 NoSQL NoSQL. 1 1.       官方定义... 3 2.       百度百科... 3 2.1.     基本含义... 4 2.1.1.     键值(Key-Value)存储数据库... 5 2.1.2.     列存储数据库... 5 2.1.3.     文档型数据库...…
原文: NoSQL数据库的分布式算法 On 2012年11月9日 in 也为稻粱故, by Juliashine 本文译自 Distributed Algorithms in NoSQL Databases 系统的可扩展性是推动NoSQL运动发展的的主要理由,包含了分布式系统协调,故障转移,资源管理和许多其他特性.这么讲使得NoSQL听起来像是一个大筐,什么都能塞进去…
NoSQL数据库分类: NoSQL DEFINITION:Next Generation Databases mostly addressing some of the points: beingnon-relational,distributed, open-source and horizontally scalable. The original intention has been modern web-scale databases. The movement began early…
============================================================== URL1 nosql ==============================================================   The rise of NoSQL databases marks the end of the era of relational database dominance   But NoSQL databases wil…
MongoDB是目前最好的面向文档的免费开源NoSQL数据库.如果你正准备参加MongoDB NoSQL数据库的技术面试,你最好看看下面的MongoDB NoSQL面试问答.这些MongoDB NoSQL面试问答涵盖了NoSQL数据库基本的概念,复制(Replication),分片(Sharding),事务和锁,跟踪分析工具(Profiler),Nuances和日志等特性.让我们看看下面的这些MongoDB NoSQL数据库的面试问答吧: 1. 你说的NoSQL数据库是什么意思?NoSQL与RD…
IoT databases should be as flexible as required by the application. NoSQLdatabases -- especially key-value, document and column family databases -- easily accommodate different data types and structures without the need for predefined, fixed schemas.…