一.概述 从navicat切到pl/sql developer,但是发现个bug,因为本地客户端pl/sql developer的字符集 和数据库服务器的字符集不一致,导致一个很奇葩的东西. 本来我有一条表,字段都是uuid,36位长.结果发现pl/sql developer给我全都截取成35了. 不知道为啥,可能和字符集有关系吧. Database character set (ZHS16GBK) and Client character set (AL32UTF8) are differen…
ORACLE官方提供的Sql Developer自带的Oracle Migration Workbench. 什么是Oracle SQL Developer?在官方页面上,是这样介绍它的: Oracle SQL Developer is a free and fully supported graphical tool for database development. With SQL Developer, you can browse database objects, run SQL st…
1. 在ORACLE官网下载Oracle SQL Developer第三方数据库驱动 下载页面:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/sql-developer/thirdparty-095608.html Download the MySQL Drivers from the MySQL Site. There are two drivers here: 1) MySQL Connector/j 5.0 Unzip the zip…