y@y:~$ lsof | grunt y 0t0 TCP *: (LISTEN) Optimizin y 0t0 TCP *: (LISTEN) v8:Sweepe y 0t0 TCP *: (LISTEN) v8:Sweepe y 0t0 TCP *: (LISTEN) v8:Sweepe y 0t0 TCP *: (LISTEN) grunt y 0t0 TCP *: (LISTEN) grunt y 0t0 TCP *: (LISTEN) grunt y 0t0 TCP *: (LIST…
提示35729端口被占用,使用lsof命令进行查看: y@y:yo-test$ lsof -i : COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME chrome y 0t0 TCP localhost:->localhost: (ESTABLISHED) ionic y 0t0 TCP *: (LISTEN) ionic y 0t0 TCP localhost:->localhost: (ESTABLISHED) 35729被ionic测试…
在目录D:\work\Solr\solr-6.6.0\bin下打开命令框: 输入:solr -e dih报错:ERROR: Port 8983 is already being used by another process. 然后再输入:bin>solr stop -all 最后再输入:solr -e dih 成功…
今天打开Apache的时候报错: Port 80 in use by "Unable to open process" with PID 4 通过点击与“Apache”模块同一行上的“Config”按钮,在下拉列表中选择“httpd.conf”文件,然后将“Listen 80”行更改为“Listen 8080”.保存文件并关闭它. 还要更改config - >服务和端口设置 - >将其更改为8080 问题就解决了.…
故障现象: 客户端报错:service zabbix-agent 启动后,端口没有被正常监听,服务端也无法正常连接 将客户端改为二进制文件安装也不能正常启动/usr/local/zabbix/sbin/zabbix_agentd -c /usr/local/zabbix/conf/zabbix_agentd.conf 百度找了很久也没人碰到这种情况,解决思路也是也简单 环境: 服务端 操作系统:centos 7.0 zabbix server 3.0.4 客户端: centos6.5 x86_6…
I'm trying to install zabbix on a new (virtual) server. But i have troubles with the zabbix_agentd on the zabbix server. I get the error below and don't know how to fix it... Can someone help me out or point me in the correct direction? Error logging…
一台服务器的Zabbix Agent升级后,在Zabbix Server发现Zabbix Agent无法访问.检查Zabbix Agent发现服务停止了,启动Zabbix Agent后,发现服务马上又异常了.遂检查日志发现有下面错误: 26033:20200709:163321.520 Starting Zabbix Agent [xxxx]. Zabbix 5.0.1 (revision c2a0b03480). 26033:20200709:163321.521 **** Enabled f…
在搭建PHP5.6+APACHE2.4+MYSQL5的平台时,测试是否成功连接mysql, 测试程序index.php <?php phpinfo() ?> 没有出现mysql的信息 所以使用另外一个程序来连接mysql <?php$link=mysqli_connect("","root","");if($link!=false){ echo "succeed in connecting to my…
<?php //mysql数据库类-mysqli版 //2014/6/13 class mysqlidb{ public $dbhost; public $dbuser; public $dbpasswd; public $dbname; public $dbport; public $dbobject; public function __contruct($host,$user,$pwd,$dbname,$port=3306){ $this->dbhost = $host; $this-&…
今天在使用 yeoman 的时候,当我运行 grunt serve 命令的时候,出现如下提示: 1.Error: Cannot find module 'load-grunt-tasks' $ grunt serve Loading "Gruntfile.js" tasks...ERROR >> Error: Cannot find module 'load-grunt-tasks' Warning: Task "serve" not found. Us…