Quick RF Tips for General Reference】的更多相关文章

传送门:http://www.microwavetools.com/rf-tips-to-make-you-look-smart/ 全文搬运过来的,本篇文章并未有其它意义和目的,仅作为个人参考笔记,我会标出认为有趣的部分并进行粗糙的翻译 了解这些规则可以用来快速评估射频产品的可行性, Electromagnetic energy such as microwave radiation travels one foot in one nanosecond in free space Linear…
String is an immutable class in Java. An immutable class is simply a class whose instances cannot be modified. All information in an instance is initialized when the instance is created and the information can not be modified. There are many advantag…
Today is a good day to start parallelizing your code. I’ve been using the parallel package since its integration with R (v. 2.14.0) and its much easier than it at first seems. In this post I’ll go through the basics for implementing parallel computat…
One of the most significant advantages of Java is its memory management. You simply create objects and Java Garbage Collector takes care of allocating and freeing memory. However, the situation is not as simple as that, because memory leaks frequentl…
http://blog.packagecloud.io/eng/2016/06/22/monitoring-tuning-linux-networking-stack-receiving-data/ Jun 22, 2016 • packagecloud Tags: packagecloud linux kernel networking optimization tuning monitoring TL;DR This blog post explains how computers runn…
官方文档详见:http://docs.spring.io/spring-kafka/docs/1.0.2.RELEASE/reference/htmlsingle/ Authors Gary Russell , Artem Bilan 1.0.2.RELEASE Copyright © 2016 Pivotal Software Inc. Copies of this document may be made for your own use and for distribution to ot…
https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-learn-mathematics-for-machine-learning   How do I learn mathematics for machine learning? Promoted by Time Doctor Software for productivity tracking. Time tracking and productivity improvement software with screenshots…
概述 从iOS 8 开始Apple引入了扩展(Extension)用于增强系统应用服务和应用之间的交互.它的出现让自定义键盘.系统分享集成等这些依靠系统服务的开发变成了可能.WWDC 2016上众多更新也都是围绕扩展这一主题来进行了的,例如开发的Siri.iMessage Apps其实都是依靠扩展来工作的.在最新的Xcode 8 beta中也增加了众多的Extension 模板帮助开发者更快的实现不同类型的扩展.因此今天有必要介绍一下扩展相关的开发内容. 扩展的生命周期 iOS对于扩展的支持已经…
主要是iOS10,对隐私权限有了新的要求.在info.plist里加入如下代码. <key>NSCameraUsageDescription</key> <string>访问相机</string> <key>NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription</key> <string>使用期间一直访问您的位置</string> <key>NSLocationUsageDescript…
iOS 10 新规定,在取用相机,相簿,联络资讯,麦克风需要在 Version Info 加入指定的 key,否则闪退: 注:将下面的 Key 复制到工程 Option -> Version Info 里(按鼠标右键可以新增 Key) 常用 Key <key>NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription</key> <string>使用相簿需要您的同意</string> <key>NSCameraUsageDescripti…