C++ 中std::的使用】的更多相关文章

std::function是可调用对象的包装器:std::bind是将可点用对象和其参数一起进行绑定,且绑定后的结果可以使用std::function对象进行保存,并延迟调用到需要调用的时候: 在C++中,可调用实体主要包括函数,函数指针,函数引用,可以隐式转换为函数指定的对象,或者实现了opetator()的对象(即C++98中的functor).C++0x中,新增加了一个std::function对象,std::function对象是对C++中现有的可调用实体的一种类型安全的包裹(我们知道像…
std::forward argument: Returns an rvalue reference to arg if arg is not an lvalue reference; If arg is an lvalue reference, the function returns arg without modifying its type. std::forward:This is a helper function to allow perfect forwarding of arg…
unordered map is an associative container that contains key-value pairs with unique keys. Search, insertion, and removal of elements have average constant-time complexity. Internally, the elements are not sorted in any particular order,but organized…
There is a critical difference between std::fill and memset that is very important to understand. std::fill sets each element to the specified value. memset sets each byte to a specified value. While they won't produce incorrect results when used app…
std::bind: Each argument may either be bound to a value or be a placeholder: (1).If bound to a value, calling the returned function object will always use that value as argument; (2).If a placeholder, calling the returned function object forwards an…
std::forward argument: Returns an rvalue reference to arg if arg is not an lvalue reference; If arg is an lvalue reference, the function returns arg without modifying its type. std::forward:This is a helper function to allow perfect forwarding of arg…
class template std::function is a general-purpose polymorphic function wrapper. Instances of std::function can store, copy, and invoke any Callable target -- functions,lambda expressions, bind expressions, or other function objects, as well as pointe…
std::move is used to indicate that an object t may be "moved from", i.e. allowing the efficient transfer of resources from t to another object. In particular,std::move produces an xvalue expression that identifies its argument t. It is exactly e…
c++中的std::set,是基于红黑树的平衡二叉树的数据结构实现的一种容器,因为其中所包含的元素的值是唯一的,因此主要用于去重和排序.这篇文章的目的在于探讨和分享如何正确使用std::set实现去重和排序功能. 1.方法一:使用std::set内置的less比较函数(直接定义内置类型的set对象) 这种方法适用于:1)比较int.char等内置类型.2)只能针对某一个内置类型去重和排序:如果想通过id(int)去重,并通过hot(int)排序,该种方法就束手无策了.代码如下: #include…
std是一个类(输入输出标准),它包括了cin成员和cout成员,using name space std ;以后才能使用它的成员.#include<iostream.h>中不存在类std,但是他又cin,out的相关函数,不需要使用命名空间了.而第二种标准#include<iostream>,它包含了一个类,在类的使用之前要预处理一下,using namespace std;就是这个功能,然后你就可以使用cin,cout这两个成员函数了,假设你不使用预处理(using names…