Lock-free programming is a challenge, not just because of the complexity of the task itself, but because of how difficult it can be to penetrate the subject in the first place. I was fortunate in that my first introduction to lock-free (also known as…
A processor supports an operating mode in which the default address size is greater than 32 bits and the default operand size is 32 bits. The default address size may be nominally indicated as 64 bits, although various embodiments of the processor ma…
A data processor (104) is described. The data processor (104) is capable of decoding and executing a first instruction (212) of a first instruction set and a second instruction (213-219) in a second instruction set wherein the first instruction (212)…
1.#uname -a 如果有x86_64就是64位的,没有就是32位的 这是64位的 # uname -a Linux desktop 2.6.35-23-generic #37-Ubuntu SMP Fri Nov 5 19:17:11 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux 这是32位的 #uname -a Linux backup 2.6.9-67.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Nov 7 13:58:04 EST 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Li…
搭建前须要下载的软件包(默认已搭建好cocos2d-x而且可在VS上执行,本人VS版本号为2013): 1:java 下载地址:http://www.java.com/zh_CN/download/manual.jsp Windows 脱机64位 2:android SDK 搭建安卓交叉编译的IDE环境,现可在官方下载集成包,方便快捷. 下载地址:http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html 选择DOWNLOAD FOR OTHER PLATFORMS…