HDU 3920 Clear All of Them I 题目是说有2n个敌人,现在可以发n枚炮弹,每枚炮弹可以(可以且仅可以)打两个敌人,每一枚炮弹的花费等于它所行进的距离,现在要消灭所有的敌人,问最少花费是多少(反正题意大概就是这样啦,知道怎么回事就好了,解释不清了) 一看到n<=10而且又是在DP专题里的,就知道这个显然是状压DP,由于有2n个敌人,所以状态表示由当前状态再打两个人来转移, 10000100表示打了这两个敌人的最小花费 所以状态的转移是由前往后递推的,假如当前状态是cu…
HDU 5067 Harry And Dig Machine 思路:因为点才10个,在加上一个起点,处理出每一个点之间的曼哈顿距离,然后用状压dp搞,状态表示为: dp[i][s],表示在i位置.走过的点集合为s的最小代价 代码: #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; const int N = 15;…
题目链接 Problem Description As we know, Rikka is poor at math. Yuta is worrying about this situation, so he gives Rikka some math tasks to practice. There is one of them: Yuta has n 01 strings si, and he wants to know the number of 01 antisymmetric stri…
\(\quad\)Great! Your new software is almost finished! The only thing left to do is archiving all your n resource files into a big one. \(\quad\)Wait a minute- you realized that it isn't as easy as you thought. Think about the virus killers. They'll f…