IDEA Can't Update No tracked branch configured for branch master or the branch doesn't exist.To make your branch track a remote branch call, for example,git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master ster (show balloon) idea terminal 输入 git branch --set-…
IDEA点击GIT更新按钮时,报错如下: Can't UpdateNo tracked branch configured for branch master or the branch doesn't exist. To make your branch track a remote branch call, for example, git branch --set-upstream-to origin/master master 解决办法: 在IDEA的Terminal中,执行如下命令即可…
If you have named a branch incorrectly AND pushed this to the remote repository follow these steps before any other developers get a chance to jump on you and give you shit for not correctly following naming conventions. 1. Rename your local branch.…
之前我看到错误,总是没有耐心地读完整个错误,而是不假思索地搜索一部分错误,导致偏离正确轨道,相当于号错脉了,比如这里只是搜索git did not exit cleanly (exit code 1),尝试的方法都没有效果,越走越远.后来去到github中,把private前面的对勾去掉,才解决这一问题.…