SQL2008 R2中时,Diagrams的问题 Error: ------------------------------ Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner. To continue, first use the Files page of the Database Properties dialog box or the…
Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner.  To continue, first use the Files page of the Database Properties dialog box or the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to set the database owner to a v…
Read by linux/GNU commands Let's follow and start from here: According to tastypie's concept, Tastypie properly handles the Accept header. So we can use linux/GNU comman…
新建项目: 安装DotNetOpenAuth: 新增OAuthController: 代码如下: public class OAuthController : Controller { private readonly AuthorizationServer authorizationServer = new AuthorizationServer(new OAuth2AuthorizationServer()); public async Task<ActionResult> Token()…
Delphi中SQLite如何读写二进制字段(Blob类型) 在Delphi中,有大量的组件可以操作SQLite数据库,如UniDAC就是其中一个比较优秀的,当然还有ASQLite3Components,也有SQLite3版的ODBC驱动,可直接用ADO操作.本文简要说明SynopseSQLite3读写二进制字段,先说下SynopseSQLite3的优点,静态编译集成SQLite3引擎,不需要额外的DLL支持,支持SQLite3加密,支持JSON表,支持网络版的SQLite3.支持线程安全保护.…
GitHub上实例都是集成了Identity来实现,我这里去掉了相关东西,实现自定义的登录满足自己的结构要求 服务端配置添加数据库服务以及定时任务服务 builder.Services.AddDbContext<OpenIdDbContext>(options => { options.UseMySql(constr, ServerVersion.AutoDetect(constr), builder => { builder.UseRelationalNulls(); build…
原文地址 SQL SERVER – Importance of Database Schemas in SQL Server Beginning with SQL Server 2005, Microsoft introduced the concept of database schemas. A sch…
P6 Professional Installation and Configuration Guide (Microsoft SQL Server Database) 16 R1       May 2016 Contents About This Guide...................................................................................... 11 Shared Topics in This Guide .…
1 证书部分:principle 和 secondary 端执行同样操作,更改相应name即可 USE master; --1.1 Create the database Master Key, if needed. CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = '<Strong_Password_#2>'; GO -- 1.2 Make a certificate on HOST_B server instance. CREATE CERTIFICAT…
使用证书配置的镜像基本安装微软次序做就可以了 备份还原首先要转换成完全备份模式没什么好多说的 USE master; GO ALTER DATABASE SET RECOVERY FULL; GO 直接备份数据库不能直接写C盘,目录自己建 BACKUP DATABASE [AdventureWorks2012] TO DISK = 'C:\HOSTA\AdventureWorks2012.…
Status of Hive Authorization before Hive 0.13 SQL Standards Based Hive Authorization (New in Hive 0.13) Restrictions on Hive Commands and Statements Privileges Objects Object Ownership Users and Roles Names of Users and Roles Role Management Commands…
Disclaimer Prerequisites Users, Groups, and Roles Names of Users and Roles Creating/Dropping/Using Roles Create/Drop Role Grant/Revoke Roles Viewing Granted Roles Privileges Grant/Revoke Privileges Viewing Granted Privileges Hive Operations and Requi…
REST has made a lot of conveniences when it comes to implementing web services with the already available HTTP protocol at its disposal. By just firing GET, POST and other HTTP methods through the designated URL, you’ll sure to get something done thr…
说明:该文档翻译/整理于Hive官方文档   Hive 0.13版本之前的授权现状   Hive默认授权(Default Hive Authorization (Legacy Mode))   设计目的并不是为…
Planning real world REST API When you try to plan how to build real world REST API like other major players like Facebook or Foursquare have you will soon realiz…
数据中有4个Schema无法被删除 ● dbo, 具有db_owner或者db_ddl_admin 的用户,新创建对象默认schema就是dbo ● guest , 用来给guest 用户使用,这个schema很少用到 ● INFORMATION_SCHEMA , 由Information Schema views使用,提供metadata查询. ● sys , 系统对象的所使用的schema 创建schema CREATE SCHEMA Production AUTHORIZATION dbo…
最近Nodejs,python越来越火了,同时也越来越多的人在用node写服务,可是怎么去调试服务呢?以及当你一个服务发布出去,怎么保证其安全性呢? 环境:linux unbuntu 语言:nodejs 工具:npm,mongodb,HttpIE 昨天写API的时候遇到了一个苦恼,就是我怎么去调试一个Api,当然有人会说客户端调用一下,然后debug模式就可以跟踪了,可是我昨天没有客户端,怎么办呢?后来找到了一个非常好的工具HttpIE,怎么安装可以参考…
预备知识: 第一部分: 第二部分: 第三部分: 第四部分: 之前的配置…
原文出处:,专题目录: 未经作者同意,任何人不得以"原创"形式发布,也不得已用于商业用途,本人不负责任何法律责任. 前一篇: 前言: 如果你把非包含…
原文出处:,专题目录: 未经作者同意,任何人不得以"原创"形式发布,也不得已用于商业用途,本人不负责任何法律责任. 前一篇: 前言: 在SQL Se…
原文出处:,专题目录: 未经作者同意,任何人不得以"原创"形式发布,也不得已用于商业用途,本人不负责任何法律责任. 前一篇: 前言: 登录名用于授权…
Description of the problem: When you tried to drop a user, you got this message: Error: 15138 The database principal owns a schema in the database, and cannot be dropped. Cause: That means, you are trying to drop a user owning a schema. In order to d…
Symptom This is the SAP Release Note for SAP HANA 2.0 Database Revision 034 ( of the SAP HANA platform software Support Package Stack (SPS 03). Please refer to the following SAP Notes: SAP Note 2380229 - SAP HANA Platform 2.0 - Central No…
Introduction You can download the Visual Studio solutions for this article at this location. With all the Nuget binaries, it's about 57 MB (too big to be hosted here at The out-of-the-box authentication and authorization mechanisms…
DISQLite3 implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine for Delphi (Embarcadero / CodeGear / Borland). Features include: ACID transactions, even after system crashes and power failures. Zero-configuration – no setup…
创建表报错: create table test ( name string ); Authorization failed:No privilege 'Create' found for outputs { database:dbname}. Use show grant to get more details. 解决办法: 1.给当前用户权限: hive>      set; 用户: 给用户hadoop 在数据库 dbname 创建表的权限:…
1.创建Filespace 创建Filespace必须是数据库超级用户( You must be a database superuser to create a filespace.)首先创建一个filespace的配置文件: [hadoop@hadoop hawq]$ hawq filespace -o hawqfilespace_config  #生成配置文件,只要配置了环境变量命令可以在任何目录下运行Enter a name for this filespace> testfs    #…
项目下 有三个文件夹 A,B,C 验正方式是 Forms 验正 我要设置他们的访问权限为, A,匿名可访问 B,普通用户授权后才能访问 C,只允许管理员访问 <configuration> <location path= "A "> <system.web> <authorization> <allow users= "* "/> </authorization> </system.web…
说明:翻译本不是我应该做的,由于我的英语水平实在太差.但由于对YII的兴趣.所以也做一点.同一时候也能显示出我的胆量还是有的...希望不误导您. 由于这里MD语法的内容显示不全.您能够去这里看看. Authorization 授权 Note: This section is under development. 注意:这一节还在完好中. Authorization is the process of verifying that a user has enough permission to d…