radare, the reverse engineering framework】的更多相关文章

History The radare project [http://radare.org/] started in February of 2006 aiming to provide a free and simple command line interface for a hexadecimal editor supporting 64 bit offsets to make searches and recovering data from hard-disks. Since then…
http://forum.miata.net/vb/showthread.php?t=536601 Hey all! About 5 years ago, there was a great thread on reverse engineering the NC ECU (http://forum.miata.net/vb/showthread.php?t=341366). In the spirit of that thread, I wanted to continue the discu…
原文 https://archive.sap.com/discussions/thread/3641585 First you reverse engineer from a script where the GUID is, into the PDM, there you should get an "internal" type CLS in the model. this should be in mssql20???.xdb, if not you can add it(wha…
install Visio2010 Premium(UML model template). not work in Visio 2013 and other version.…
当使用MyEclipse的Hibernate逆向工程功能时,有时出现不成功的情况,点击finish按钮后对应的源文件目录没有生产相关对象,这时应该如何解决呢? 在国内的网站找了很久没找到,最后在国外的一家网站找到了解决方法.这个问题的具体原因不得而知,但可以知道的是,若在创建连接的时候,选择了Display selected schma时,就会出现逆向工程失败的情况.只需要选择Display all schemas,那么就可以成功进行逆向工程了.若有知道原因的大侠可以分享一下.…
解决办法:在项目下找到.project文件,在最后的natures标签加入下面红色的一行代码. <natures>        <nature>com.genuitec.eclipse.hibernate.hibernatenature</nature>         <nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature> </natures>…
先在配置文件 app/config/config.yml中配置 schema_filter: /^(?!(tablename))/ 即可,或者在出现问题表都加上一个id 然后再使用命令 php app/console doctrine:mapping:import LipinerAppapiBundle yml --force --filter="User" 可以把表名带有 user的表导出yml文件 如 sign_user  user_log  user 等都会导出yml文件到../…
Python:渗透测试开源项目[源码值得精读] sql注入工具:sqlmap DNS安全监测:DNSRecon 暴力破解测试工具:patator XSS漏洞利用工具:XSSer Web服务器压力测试工具:HULK SSL安全扫描器:SSLyze 网络 Scapy: send, sniff and dissect and forge network packets. Usable interactively or as a library pypcap, Pcapy and pylibpcap:…
sql注入工具:sqlmap DNS安全监测:DNSRecon 暴力破解测试工具:patator XSS漏洞利用工具:XSSer Web服务器压力测试工具:HULK SSL安全扫描器:SSLyze 网络 Scapy: send, sniff and dissect and forge network packets. Usable interactively or as a library pypcap, Pcapy and pylibpcap: several different Python…
BlackArch-Tools 简介 安装在ArchLinux之上添加存储库从blackarch存储库安装工具替代安装方法BlackArch Linux Complete Tools List 简介 BlackArch Linux是针对渗透测试人员和安全研究人员的基于Arch Linux的渗透测试分发版.BlackArch Linux预装有上千种专用工具以用于渗透测试和计算机取证分析.BlackArch Linux与现有的Arch安装兼容.您可以单独或成组安装工具.https://blackar…