The for-await-of syntax is similar to the for-of iteration. The key difference is that it automatically awaits any promises generated by the iterator. This lesson covers how to consume async data sources easily with for-await-of. for-await-of essenti…
The Task: Events, Asynchronous Calls, Async and Await Almost any software application today will likely contain a long-running process. “Long-running” may be a relative term but in the Windows Runtime it is specifically anything that could take longe…
1. 问题描述 最近使用ABP .Net Core框架做一个微信开发,同时采用了一个微信开发框架集成到ABP,在微信用户关注的推送事件里调用了一个async 方法,由于没有返回值,也没做任何处理,本地调试也OK,但一发布到线上就有问题,微信公众号关注成功,也有推送消息过来,但微信用户一直保存不上,查看日志会有个异常信息: System.NotSupportedException: A second operation started on this context before a previ…
The async and await keywords are just a compiler feature. The compiler creates code by using the Task class. Instead of using the new keywords, you could get the same functionality with C# 4 and methods of the Task class; it's just not as convenient.…
LazyMan问题与解法 给出了一道题目,并给出了解法: 题目: 实现一个LazyMan,可以按照以下方式调用: LazyMan(“Hank”)输出: Hi! This is Hank! LazyMan(“Hank”).sleep(10).eat(“dinner”)输出 Hi! This is Hank! //等待10秒.. Wake up after 10 Eat dinner~ LazyMan(…