这几天重装系统,装了win10,居然用vs2013打开项目出现下面这个提示错误,搞了很久才知道原因: Even though I am an administrator on the machine, Visual Studio is not running as administrator so it does not have permission to the IIS metabase files. One solution is to run Visual Studio as admi…
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12859891/error-unable-to-access-the-iis-metabase 解决方法1 On Windows 8 Pro: %systemroot%\inetsrv\config On Windows 7 and 8.1 and 10 %systemroot%\System32\inetsrv\config (Where %systemroot% is usually C:\Windows) Navig…
使用github出了些问题?fatal: unable to access;Failed connect to github.com:8087; No error 我今天使用git push origin master的时候,提示我fatal: unable to access 'https://XXXX@github.com/XXX/XXX' Failed connect to github.com:8087; No error在谷歌上查了很多办法都没有解决,有的方法是https连接模式改成s…