Glitch-free clock switch】的更多相关文章

With multi-frequency clocks being used in today’s devices, it's necessary to switch the source of a clock while the device is running. 1 Problem  The two clock frequencies can be totally unrelated to each other or they can be multiples of each other.…
竞争(Race):一个门的输入有两个及以上的变量发生变化时,由于各个输入的组合路径的延时不同,使得在门级输入的状态改变非同时. 冒险或险象(Hazard):竞争的结果,如毛刺Glitch. 相邻信号间的串扰也可能产生毛刺Glitch. 组合逻辑的冒险是过渡性的,它不会使得稳态值偏离正常值.根据严格的metal delay和gate delay可以计算出Glitch的出现时间和宽度. 组合逻辑很容易带来毛刺,当信号作用在FF的reset,clear,clock,gate端时,会造成严重的后果. 措…
In my previous blog "PIC32MZ tutorial -- Output Compare", I shows how to apply Output Compare without interrupt to generate PWM signal. I also tried the Output Compare interrupt. I selected OC to be PWM mode without fault pin (OCM = "110&qu…
In my older blog "PIC32MZ tutorial -- Key Debounce", I shows how to acheive key debounce with port polling. At this moment, I write an application which uses External Interrupt.  Therefore, only generates interrupt and starts debounce when the f…
Output Compare is a powerful feature of embedded world. The PIC32 Output Compare module compares the values stored in the OCxR and/or the OCxRS registers to the value in the selected timer. When a match occurs, the Output Compare module generates an…
The microcontroller is PIC32MZ2048ECH144 on the PIC32MZ EC Starter Kit. This microcontroller has four 32-bit synchronous timers are available by combining Timer2 with Timer3, Timer4 with Timer5, Timer6 with Timer7, and Timer8 with Timer9. The 32-bit…
Today I implement "Hello World" on PIC32MZ EC starter kit. The application of "Hello World" only lights up a LED. There are three LEDs on the starter kit board -- LED1 and LED2 and LED3.  At the moment, I only light LED1 on RH0. Every…
//放在USACO上一直通不过 不知道哪里出了问题 输出的n总是等于1 但是BFS递归的次数是对的 <----这个问题解决了 局部变量压入queue中返回就是对的了 #include<iostream> #include <fstream> #include<cstring> #include<queue> using namespace std; typedef struct { ]; //当前状态 ]; //已扩展序号 int n; //已扩展次数…
2013-08-22 14:55:33 八大排序方法汇总(选择排序-简单选择排序.堆排序,插入排序-简单插入排序.shell排序,交换排序-冒泡排序.快速排序,归并排序,计数排序). 插入排序还可以和折半查找相结合,提高查找插入位置的速度,也就是折半插入排序,此处没有给出这种方法的相应代码. 对排序算法,可从以下几个方面评价: 时间复杂度: 空间复杂度: 稳定性. 代码(测试暂未发现问题,欢迎交流指正!): #include <iostream> #include <cassert>…
就我个人看来,研究一块单片机,分为新手和老手两种模式,新人迫切的想先用,你得告诉他们怎么样最快的写出一个能跑起来的程序,告诉他们每一个外设的使用方式,老手不同,用的单片机多了外设对于他们而言没太多好奇的,中断,无非配置中断,连接中断,打开中断,中断模式,中断函数,定时器,无非打开时钟,设置分频率,设置值,等中断到来计数,千篇一律,没什么花样 但是老手关注的是不同,这个和那个的差异是什么,这样就能避免惯性思维,不会用错,学起来差不多,都是对着手册读呗,但是学的心态不一样,更加的举重若轻 闲话少叙,…