由于IOS加入对用户隐私以及禁止扫描系统信息的控制,目前通过canOpenURL的方法来判断用户是否安装特定app,则会出现-canOpenURL: failed for URL: "ABC://app/*******/" - error: "This app is not allowed to query for scheme ABC"的错误, 同时也返回NO,直接通过openUrl也是没有反应.具体原因可以参考文章:Quick Take on iOS 9 URL…
一.之前用黑苹果,编辑pod文件用一下格式 platform :ios, "8.0" pod "MJExtension" pod "MJRefresh" pod "AFNetworking" pod "SVProgressHUD" pod "SDWebImage" pod "DACircularProgress" pod "pop" 二.用虚拟机的…
iOS [错误:'Changing the delegate of a tab bar managed by a tab bar controller is not allowed.'] 错误:'Changing the delegate of a tab bar managed by a tab bar controller is not allowed.' 意为不允许修tabBar的delegate属性 产生原因:设置代理的这句代码写在了 为 tabBarController 的 tabBa…