问题描述 今天在使用python的redis客户端时碰到了这样的报错:redis.exceptions.ResponseError: value is not an integer or out of range,是在使用setex函数时出的问题. 问题分析 明明在我的开发环境上跑的好好着,怎么到测试环境就有问题了?然后试着看了下我的开发环境和测试环境的redis客户端版本,一个是2.x,一个是3.x,测试环境的redis客户端是新安装的,那就把3.x卸了装个2.x吧,再跑的就ok了,看来是版本…
mac brew install redis 报错 /usr/local/opt/php55/bin/phpize /usr/local/opt/php55/bin/phpize: line 61: /usr/local/Library/ENV/4.3/sed: No such file or directory /usr/local/opt/php55/bin/phpize: line 62: /usr/local/Library/ENV/4.3/sed: No such file or di…
redis报错Windows error 0x70 redis 嫌弃你内存不够了,就给你不开第二个实例. The Windows version of Redis allocates a large memory mapped file for sharing the heap with the forked process used in persistence operations.这句话说的很明白了 解决办法: 1:改redis.windows.conf中的maxheap参数 maxhea…
filebeat output  redis 报错 i/o timeout 先把报错内容贴出来. ERROR redis/client. go: Failed to RPUSH to redis list with ->: i/o timeout ERROR redis/client. go: Failed to publish events: ->: i/o timeout 报错内容是写入超时了.解析问题,在redis的服务的信息正常情况下,可能的问题,第一可能性:是消息队列堵塞了,第二可能…
window下安装redis报错: creating server tcp listening socket bind No error 解决: 如果没有配置环境,在安装的Redis目录下:shift+鼠标右键,然后选择在此处运行命令窗口,分别运行以下命令 redis-cli.exe shutdown exit redis-server.exe redis.windows.conf…
原文:Redis报错 : (error) NOAUTH Authentication required. 这个错误是因为没有用密码登陆认证 , 先输入密码试试 .> auth "yourpassword" 例如密码是'root',当出现认证问题时候,输入"auth 'root'"就可以了.> set name "hello" (error) NOAUTH Authentica…
要谈则谈,要打便打! ---2019.5.9,贸易战 转自:http://www.yayihouse.com/yayishuwu/chapter/1297 安装redis报错信息 [9204] 15 Jun 11:41:44.516 # HandleServiceCommands: system error caught. error code=1073, message = CreateService failed: unknown error 解决方法 1)先卸载服务: redis-serv…
1.Connecting to node [ERR] Sorry, can't connect to node redis集群:Connecting to node [ERR] Sorry, can't connect to node年12月17日 01:29:53阅读数:6168Connecting to node [ERR]…
错误描述: [root@eshop-cache01 local]# gem install redis ERROR: Loading command: install (LoadError) cannot load such file -- zlib ERROR: While executing gem ... (NoMethodError) undefined method `invoke_with_build_args' for nil:NilClass 解决方案: 报错原因 缺少zlib库…
docker启动redis报错 1:C 17 Jun 08:18:04.613 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo1:C 17 Jun 08:18:04.613 # Redis version=4.0.14, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1, just started1:C 17 Jun 08:18:04.613 # Configuration loaded 这是因为redis.c…