BZOJ4779: [Usaco2017 Open]Bovine Genomics】的更多相关文章

题目描述 Farmer John owns Ncows with spots and N cows without spots. Having just completed a course in bovine genetics, he is convinced that the spots on his cows are caused by mutations in the bovine genome.A t great expense, Farmer John sequences the g…
传送门 网上的题解: 枚举左端点,二分右端点位置,最后所有左端点的答案取最小值 我的题解... 二分答案,枚举左端点,看看是否有解.. 好像和上面是反的,但是思路没问题 过程用hash判重 #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #define N 1001 #define p 100007 #define ULL unsigned long long int n, m, cnt, ans; char s[N]; ULL sum[N][N], bi…
题目 :Bovine Genomics G奶牛基因组 传送门: 洛谷P3667 题目描述 Farmer John owns NN cows with spots and NN cows without spots. Having just completed a course in bovine genetics, he is convinced that the spots on his cows are caused by mutations in the bovine genome. At…
P3670 [USACO17OPEN]Bovine Genomics S奶牛基因组(银) 题目描述 Farmer John owns NN cows with spots and NN cows without spots. Having just completed a course in bovine genetics, he is convinced that the spots on his cows are caused by mutations in the bovine genom…
Description 给定两个字符串集合A,B,均包含N个字符串,长度均为M,求一个最短的区间[l,r],使得不存在字符串\(a\in A,b\in B,\)且\(a[l,r]=b[l,r]\) ,字符串只由ACGT组成, \(n,m\leq500\) Input Format 第一行包含N,M, 接下来N行,每行一个长度为M的字符串,描述集合A 最后N行,描述集合B Output Format 一行表示最短区间的长度 Sample Input 3 8 AATCCCAT ACTTGCAA GG…
Description 给定两个字符串集合A,B,均包含N个字符串,长度均为M,求一个最短的区间[l,r],使得不存在字符串\(a\in A,b\in B,\)且\(a[l,r]=b[l,r]\) ,字符串只由ACGT组成, \(n,m\leq500\) Input Format 第一行包含N,M, 接下来N行,每行一个长度为M的字符串,描述集合A 最后N行,描述集合B Output Format 一行表示最短区间的长度 Sample Input 3 8 AATCCCAT ACTTGCAA GG…
随时可能弃坑. 因为不知道最近要刷啥所以就决定刷下usaco. 优先级排在学习新算法和打比赛之后. 仅有一句话题解.难一点的可能有代码. 优先级是Gold>Silver.Platinum刷不动...(可能有一两道?) 2015 Feb Gold BZOJ3939. [Usaco2015 Feb]Cow Hopscotch 这题洛谷数据过水,\(O(n^4)\)的dp跑的飞快...所以建议在bzoj写. 但是还是要考虑一下4次方的dp的...其实就是强行枚举转移点,我们可以试着维护前缀和,那么只要…
Bovine Genomics 暴力 str hash+dp 设\(dp[i][j]\)为前\(i\)组匹配到第\(j\)位的方案数,则转移方程 \[dp[i][j+l]+=dp[i-1][j] \] (\(j,l\)为满足题意的情况 通配符匹配 读题杀.dp 注意星号是可以匹配0个的. 按通配符分段,01表示是否能取到. 蚯蚓排队 留坑. Seek the Name,Seek the Fame kmp(利用next数组) 动物园 现场教学可还行 直接求就好 Censoring 模拟一个栈,ne…
「学习笔记」字符串基础:Hash,KMP与Trie 点击查看目录 目录 「学习笔记」字符串基础:Hash,KMP与Trie Hash 算法 代码 KMP 算法 前置知识:\(\text{Border}\) 思路 代码 \(\text{KMP}\) 匹配 思路 代码 Trie 数据结构 01-Trie 代码 练习题 Hash Bovine Genomics 思路 代码 [TJOI2018]碱基序列 思路 代码 [CQOI2014]通配符匹配 [NOI2017] 蚯蚓排队 思路 代码 KMP See…
4780: [Usaco2017 Open]Modern Art 2 Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MB Description Having become bored with standard 2-dimensional artwork (and also frustrated at others copying her w ork), the great bovine artist Picowso has decided to switch t…
“模拟“题,运用哈希,不断地按照一定运算规律对一个结果进行计算,如果重复出现就停止并且输出该数.注意到仔细看题,这种题一定要细心! POJ - 2183 Bovine Math Geniuses Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KB 64bit IO Format: %I64d & %I64u Description Farmer John loves to help the cows further their mathematical skills…
标题来源:POJ 3047 Bovine Birthday 意甲冠军:.. . 思考:式 适合于1582年(中国明朝万历十年)10月15日之后的情形 公式 w = y + y/4 + c/4 - 2*c + 26 * (m+1)/10 + d - 1; m假设是1 2 月份 y要倒退1年 m += 12 y是年份的后两位 y = year%100 c是世纪 c = year/100   #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> using names…
1675: [Usaco2005 Feb]Rigging the Bovine Election 竞选划区 Time Limit: 5 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 198  Solved: 118[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description It's election time. The farm is partitioned into a 5x5 grid of cow locations, each of which hold…
1675: [Usaco2005 Feb]Rigging the Bovine Election 竞选划区 Time Limit: 5 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 196  Solved: 116[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description It's election time. The farm is partitioned into a 5x5 grid of cow locations, each of which hold…
BZOJ_4756_[Usaco2017 Jan]Promotion Counting_树状数组 Description n只奶牛构成了一个树形的公司,每个奶牛有一个能力值pi,1号奶牛为树根. 问对于每个奶牛来说,它的子树中有几个能力值比它大的. Input n,表示有几只奶牛 n<=100000 接下来n行为1-n号奶牛的能力值pi 接下来n-1行为2-n号奶牛的经理(树中的父亲) Output 共n行,每行输出奶牛i的下属中有几个能力值比i大 Sample Input 5 80428938…
题目 4990: [Usaco2017 Feb]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road II 链接 题面 上下有两个长度为n.位置对应的序列A.B, 其中数的范围均为1~n.若abs(A[i]-B[j]) <= 4, 则A[i]与B[j]间可以连一条边.现要求在边与边不相交的情况下的最大的连边数量. n <= 10^5. 输入 The first line of in…
题面:4989: [Usaco2017 Feb]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road 连接 题面 上下有两个位置分别对应的序列A.B,长度为n, 两序列为n的一个排列.当Ai == Bj时,上下会连一条边. 你可以选择序列A或者序列B进行旋转任意K步, 如 3 4 1 5 2 旋转两步为 5 2 3 4 1. 求旋转后最小的相交的线段的对数. 输入 The first…
单细胞在脑科学方面的应用 Session 1: Deciphering the Cellular Landscape of the Brain Using Single Cell Transcriptomics Single cell/nucleus transcriptomics has emerged as a powerful approach to classify cell types and dynamic cell states in any multicellular organ…
[BZOJ5138][Usaco2017 Dec]Push a Box(强连通分量) 题面 BZOJ 洛谷 题解 这题是今天看到萝卜在做然后他一眼秒了,我太菜了不会做,所以就来做做. 首先看完题目,是不是有点像\(NOIP\)的那道华容道? 所以类似的考虑状态\(f[x][y][d]\),表示当前箱子在\((x,y)\)位置,人在\(d\)(上下左右中的一个)方向时是否存在.那么这样子的状态数是\(4nm\)个,显然是可以的.考虑转移的话就是人推箱子了,沿着某个方向直接推是很容易的,现在的问题是…
10X Genomics已经广泛应用于单细胞测序.组装领域,现在也是火的不行. 10X Genomics原理 通过将来自相同DNA片段(10-100kb)的reads加上相同的barcode,然后在illumina平台上进行测序,从而实现长片段的测序.其基本原理是同一长片段的reads会具有同样的标签,称为linked-reads,利用这些barcode的信息,可将短reads拼接为长reads.这样的linked-reads可进行结构变异检测及单倍型定相的分析. 总结:10X Genomics…
[BZOJ1713][Usaco2007 China]The Bovine Accordion and Banjo Orchestra 音乐会 Description Input 第1行输入N,之后N行输入Ai,之后N行输入Bi. Output 输出最大收益. Sample Input 3 1 1 5 5 1 1 INPUT DETAILS: There are 6 cows: 3 accordionists and 3 banjoists. The accordionists have tal…
5142: [Usaco2017 Dec]Haybale Feast Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 182  Solved: 131[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description Farmer John is preparing a delicious meal for his cows! In his barn, he has NN haybales (1≤N≤100,0 00). The iith…
4990: [Usaco2017 Feb]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road II Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 93  Solved: 64[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description Farmer John is continuing to ponder the issue of cows crossing the road through his farm, intro…
4989: [Usaco2017 Feb]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 256 MBSubmit: 153  Solved: 70[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description Why did the cow cross the road? We may never know the full reason, but it is certain that Farmer…
4760: [Usaco2017 Jan]Hoof, Paper, Scissors Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 136  Solved: 100[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description You have probably heard of the game "Rock, Paper, Scissors". The cows like to play a similar game th…
4756: [Usaco2017 Jan]Promotion Counting Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 305  Solved: 217[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description The cows have once again tried to form a startup company, failing to remember from past experience t hat cow…
P3043 [USACO12JAN]牛联盟Bovine Alliance 题目描述 Bessie and her bovine pals from nearby farms have finally decided that they are going to start connecting their farms together by trails in an effort to form an alliance against the farmers. The cows in each…
P2950 [USACO09OPEN]牛绣Bovine Embroidery 题目描述 Bessie has taken up the detailed art of bovine embroidery. Cows embroider a cloth mounted in a circular hoop of integer radius d (1 <= d <= 50,000). They sew N (2 <= N <= 50,000) threads, each in a s…
4777: [Usaco2017 Open]Switch Grass Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 46  Solved: 10[Submit][Status][Discuss] 题目:给定一张带权无向图,每个点有一个颜色,每次改变一个点的颜色,要求你在操作后输出这个图中最近异色点对之间的距离最近异色点对定义为:一对点颜色不同,且距离最小. 数据范围:N个点,M条无向边,Q次修改,颜色范围[1,k],边权L.N,M,Q≤20000…
Problem 1: Bovine Ballet [Brian Dean, 2013] In an attempt to challenge the stereotypical perception of cows as awkwardcreatures, Farmer John's prize cow Bessie has signed up for an introductoryballet class. Her final performance is next week, and FJ…