Generic recipe for data analysis with general linear model Courtesy of David Schneider State population, and conditions for taking sample. Construct the model: (a) state the response variable; (b) state the explanatory variable(s); (c) state type of…
一些问题: 1. 什么时候我的问题可以用GLM,什么时候我的问题不能用GLM? 2. GLM到底能给我们带来什么好处? 3. 如何评价GLM模型的好坏? 广义线性回归啊,虐了我快几个月了,还是没有彻底搞懂,看paper看代码的时候总是一脸懵逼. 大部分分布都能看作是指数族分布,广义差不多是这个意思,我们常见的线性回归和logistic回归都是广义线性回归的特例,可以由它推到出来. 参考:线性回归.logistic回归.广义线性模型——斯坦福CS229机器学习个人总结(一) 对着上面的教程,手写了…
In my last article, I stated that for practitioners (as opposed to theorists), the real prerequisite for machine learning is data analysis, not math. One of the main reasons for making this statement, is that data scientists spend an inordinate amoun…
Source: Research gate Stafford Michahial EEG is a very low frequency.. and literature will give us the region where Alpha, Beta, Mu, signals are generated in Brain... and to reduce the complexity and to avoid interference as much as possible.. we go…
Around September of 2016 I wrote two articles on using Python for accessing, visualizing, and evaluating trading strategies (see part 1 and part 2). These have been my most popular posts, up until I published my article on learning programming langua…
NoteBook of <Data Analysis with Python> 3.IPython基础 Tab自动补齐 变量名 变量方法 路径 解释 ?解释, ??显示函数源码 ?搜索命名空间 %run命令 %run 执行所有文件 %run -i 访问变量 Ctrl-C中断执行 %paste可以粘贴剪切板的一切文本 一般使用%cpaste因为可以改 键盘快捷键 魔术命令 %timeit 检测任意语句的执行时间 %magic显示魔术命令的详细文档 %xdel v 删除变量,并清除其一切引用 注册…
Data Analysis with Python ch02 一些有趣的数据分析结果 Male描述的是美国新生儿男孩纸的名字的最后一个字母的分布 Female描述的是美国新生儿女孩纸的名字的最后一个字母的分布…
Learning Spark: Lightning-Fast Big Data Analysis 中文翻译行为纯属个人对于Spark的兴趣,仅供学习. 如果我的翻译行为侵犯您的版权,请您告知,我将停止对此书的开源翻译. Translation the book of Learning Spark: Lightning-Fast Big Data Analysis is only for spark developer educational purposes. If I violated you…
<深入浅出数据分析>英文名为Head First Data Analysis Code, 这本书中提供了学习使用的数据和程序,原书链接由于某些原因不 能打开,这里在提供一个下载的链接.去下面的网页中可以找到到链接,不知道为什么博客中不能插入csdn的链接. 压缩包中包含的文件如下: bathing_friends_unlimited.xls hfda.R hfda_ch04_home_page1.csv hfda_…
Here is the note for lecture three. the linear model Linear model is a basic and important model in machine learning. 1. input representation     The data we get usually needs some changes, most of them is the input data.      In linear model,       …