Inlay Cutters Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 2367 Accepted: 995 Description The factory cuts rectangular M × N granite plates into pieces using a special machine that is able to perform cuts in 4 different directions:…
AUTO-COMPLETE/AUTO-SUGGEST Auto-complete using Vaadin Offer auto-suggest or auto-complete to help your users increase efficiency and reduce errors. You can even create a grouped and formatted set of suggestionslike Apple does. CAROUSEL/COVERFLOW Caro…
遵守ISO15693协议的电子标签都有一个8字节共64bit的全球唯一序列号(UID),这个UID一方面可以使全球范围内的标签互相区别,更重要的是可以在多标签同时读写时用于防冲突.8字节UID按权重从高到低标记为UID7--UID0,其中UID7固定为16进制的E0H,UID6是标签制造商的代码,例如NXP的代码为04H,TI的代码为07H;UID5为产品类别代码,比如ICODE SL2 ICS20是01H,Tag-it HF-I Plus Chip为80H,Tag-it HF-I Plus I…