使用Microsoft SQL SERVER 2014 Management Studio访问Azure SQL Database时,查看存储过程时遇到下面错误信息: TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio ------------------------------ Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc) …
之前在这篇"Operating system error 32(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15105)"博客里面,介绍了因为AWS的DMS的相关会话进程在读取事务日志备份中内容(跟普通的Replication有点不同),导致事务日志备份出现Operating system error 32错误(The process cannot access the file because it is being used…
安装QT后直接打开,报错. 需要删mysql环境变量. error: Failed to retrieve MSVC Environment from "D:\Englishpath\VS2013\VC\vcvarsall.bat":'MYSQL' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.'MYSQL' is not recognized as an inte…
昨天遇到一个案例,YourSQLDba做事务日志备份时失败,检查YourSQLDba输出的错误信息如下: <Exec> <ctx>yMaint.backups</ctx> <Sql> backup log [gewem] to disk = 'M:\DB_BACKUP\LOG_BACKUP\xxxx_[2016-11-22_01h11m05_Tue]_logs.TRN' with noInit, checksum, name = 'YourSQLDba:16…
1.使用git 升级 服务命令 mvn deploy -e 之后报错: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin::test (: Failed to retrieve POM : Could not transfer artifact org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire-junit4:pom: from/to central (https://repo.mave…
序号 问题 解决方案1 "2019-04-13 20:23:55 ERROR OGG-00868 Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, e_db1.prm: The number of Oracle redo threads (2) is not the same as the number of checkpoint threads (1). EXTRACT groups on RAC systems should be created with the…
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install chromium-browser sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree --install //此处报错 failed to retrieve status information from google : W: There is no public key available f…
SQL Server方面的博客文章也陆陆续续的写了不少了,顺便也将这些知识点整理.归纳一下下.方便自己和他人查看. MS SQL 数据类型 三大数据库对比研究系列--数据类型 MS SQL 表和视图 数据库表的基本信息,你知道吗? 数据查询表,列名对比 MS SQL 建表SQL的脚本 查看数据库.表.索引的物理存储情况 慎用SELECT INTO复制表 MS SQL 索引约束 [翻译] 聚集索引表 VS 堆表 SQL SERVER 中is null 和 is not null 将会导致索引失效吗…
使用YourSQLDba做备份.维护.管理时,偶尔会收到一些备份失败的邮件.导致YourSQLDba备份失败的情况比价多,打算在此篇中对YourSQLDba备份失败的案例做一些总结.整理. 1:YourSQLDba由于事务日志满了.具体情况如下: 检查YourSQLDba备份失败日志信息,你会看到下面这类错误信息. The transaction log for database 'xxxx' is full.To find out why space in the log cannot be…
Extend from $.fn.panel.defaults. Override defaults with $.fn.datagrid.defaults. The datagrid displays data in a tabular format and offers rich support to select, sort, group and edit data. The datagrid has been designed to reduce development time and…
根据http://www.oschina.net/code/snippet_70229_2407修改而来的增强版.貌似原版源自Axel这个多线程下载工具. ''' Created on 2014-10-24 @author: Maple ''' import sys import os import time import getopt import urllib.request import urllib.parse from threading import Thread #========…