1.服务器重启之后,启动cacao报错,提示无效的文件权限. [root@ldapserver bin]# ./cacaoadm start Invalid file permission: [/home/ldap/dsee6/cacao_2/etc/opt/sun/cacao/instances/default/security] [rwxrwxr-x]. Problem validating security keys. Please regenerate them with cacaoad…
问题处理步骤: 1.LDAP实例停止 2.DSCC控制台启动,提示cacao已停止…… 3.启动caocaoroot@rusky bin]# ./cacaoadm startInvalid file permission: [/home/ldap/dsee6/cacao_2/etc/opt/sun/cacao/instances/default/security] [rwxrwxr-x]. Problem validating security keys. Please regenerate t…
切换分支时报错: error: cannot stat ‘file’: Permission denied 解决方法:退出编辑器.浏览器.资源管理器等,然后再切换就可以了.…
1:原来的配置是 <Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true" maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" keystoreFile="…
配置tomcat证书 keystore文件后启动一直报错:(tomcat版本:apache-tomcat-6.0.43) tomcat配置: <Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true" maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth=&qu…
今天在做mkdir操作时报错:Invalid file system control data detected.检查用户和权限没问题,再检查磁盘空间也没问题.最后在网上找到如下信息: [problem] # mkdir aaa mkdir: 0653-358 Cannot create aaa. aaa: Invalid file system control data detected. [solution] usually the reasons is corrupt inodes etc…
Android Studio 右键Linking an external C++ project 时候 报Invalid file name. Expected: CMakeLists.txt错误 查看Android Studio 源码: @Nullable private String validateProjectFilePath(@NotNull File file) { if (!file.exists()) { return "The selected file does not ex…
给客户部署 PxxCms, 使用群发功能发送图文的的时候提示: 发生了Post错误:错误代码40005,微信返回错误信息:invalid file type, 没学过php伤不起 ... Google 到某哥的博客, 有解决方案, 但是tmd 收费...擦了, 自己改 找到 \PigCms\Lib\Action\User\MessageAction.class.php 的 sendAll 方法, 大约112 行, 改成如下,注释掉第一行file_put_contents(...); //file…
问题来源:在删除var目录下的log文件时,将redis文件夹删除了.然后在重启时:/etc/init.d/redis-server start,提示: Starting redis-server: *** FATAL CONFIG FILE ERROR *** Reading the configuration file, at line 94 >>> 'logfile /var/log/redis/redis-server.log' Can't open the log file:…
Codeblocks下运行C++的程序时,偶尔会出现  Cannot open output file, permission denied 的问题,导致不能够编译. 在 Stack Overflow 上看到有过类似的遭遇.   链接地址 I have encountered the same problem you have. I found that it may have some relationship with the way you terminate your run resul…