Intro to Computer Science Class Online (CS101) - Udacity Building a Search Engine…
Georgia Tech Online Master of Science in Computer Science 项目经验分享 Posted on 2014/04/22 项目关键词:工科名校,计算机硕士学位,MOOC授课,价格低廉 GaTech,乔治亚理工,美国工科名校,计算机系在US排名前列学校介绍详见项目介绍详见 http://www.omscs.gatech… Georgia Tech to offer MS in Computer Science via MOOC (Photo: Mathieu Plourde) The Georgia Institute of Technology, in partnership with Udacity and AT&T, is preparing to…
Given the expansive growth in the field, it's become challenging to discern what belongs in a modern computer science degree. My own faculty is engaging in this debate, so I've coalesced my thoughts as an answer to the question, "What should every co…
This is the last in a series of Postgres posts that Pat Shaughnessy wrote based on his presentation at the Barcelona Ruby Conference. You can also watch the video recording of the presentation. The series was originally published on his personal blog…
This started out as a list of top Computer Science blogs, but it more closely resembles a set: the order is irrelevant and there are no duplicate elements; membership of this set of blogs satisfies all of the following conditions: they are written by…
Are you a interested in taking a course with us? Learn about our programs or contact us at There are plenty of articles and discussions on the web about what data science is, what qualitiesdefine a data scientist, how to nur…
一些机器学习算法的简介 本节开始,介绍<Computer Science Theory for the Information Age>一书中第六章(这里先暂时跳过第三章),主要涉及学习以及学习的理论——VC理论.而本文主要是介绍一下什么是学习,以及一些常见的学习算法. (一)学习概念 首先,我们用一个例子来介绍什么是学习.假设我们想要用一个算法来识别不同类型的车,比如小汽车.卡车.拖拉机等.根据我们的思维以及对这个领域的知识可知道,我们可以用一系列特征来区分它们,比如我们可以用轮子的数量,发…
高维空间中的球体 注:此系列随笔是我在阅读图灵奖获得者John Hopcroft的最新书籍<Computer Science Theory for the Information Age>所作的笔记.其中我只详细读了第二(高维空间).三(随机图).六(VC理论)章,其他的某些章节也略微看了一下,但没有作笔记.此书的章节大部分是相互独立的,事实上每一个章节都是一个大的方向,代表了作者认为的在信息时代中最有用的计算机理论. (一)介绍 第一部分,高维空间.在现实的世界里,很多数据的维度都是及其高的…
MIT Introduction to Computer Science and Programming (Lesson one ) 这篇文是记载 MIT 计算机科学及编程导论 第一集 的笔记 Lesson one : Goals of the course;what is computation;introduction to data types,operators,and variables 一 讲解课程的任务.课程目标 目标 像一个计算机科学家一样思考 都能够读写程序 tacking t…