回顾: 1.record类型 定义record类型,声明变量,保存s_dept表中id = 31部门信息 declare /* 定义record类型 */ type deptrecord is record( id number, name s_dept.name%type, r_id number ); /* 声明变量 */ var_dept deptrecord; var_id number:=&id; begin select * into var_dept from s_dept whe…
功能:备份存储过程,视图,函数触发器,Sequence序列号等准备工作:--1.创建文件夹 :'E:/OracleBackUp/ProcBack';--文本存放的路径--2.执行:create or replace directory MyProcBakPath as 'E:/OracleBackUp/ProcBack';--3.赋权限:sqlplus /nologconn user/pswd as sysdbagrant select on DBA_OBJECTS to user;--4.创建…
Suppose you want to populate a non-database data block with records manually in Oracle forms. This task can be done using a cursor. Below is the example given for hr.job_history table, where user input the employee id in upper block and click on th…
When a query is open in the block, the Post-Query trigger fires each time Form Builder fetches a record into a block. The trigger fires once for each record placed on the block's list of records. Usage NotesUse a Post-Query trigger to perform the fol…
See also: Why And When To Use Pre-Update and Pre-Insert Triggers In Oracle FormsPre-Update Fires during the Post and CommitTransactions process, before a row is updated in Oracle Forms. It fires once for each record that is marked for update.The foll…
The following example finds the commission plan in the COMMPLAN table, based on the current value of the commcode item in the EMPLOYEE block in the form, to verify that the code is valid.If the code in the COMMPLAN table is located, the description o…
SQL中删除某数据库所有trigger及sp 编写人:CC阿爸 2014-6-14 在日常SQL数据库的操作中,如何快速的删除所有trigger及sp呢 以下有三种方式可快速处理. --第一种 --事务的处理方法 Begin Transaction Begin try declare @SQL varchar(max) set @SQL='' select @SQL=@SQL+name+',' from sysobjects where xtype='TR' and name<>'Drop…