Adding an iOS App Icon Set or Launch Image Set Organize different resolutions of your app icons and launch images using image sets. 使用图片集(image set)组织管理应用程序中不同分辨率的图标和启动图片.  Select an asset catalog. 选择一个asset catalog. Choose Editor > New App Icon. 选择E…
Migrating an iOS App Icon Set or Launch Image Set Simplify image management by moving existing app icons and launch images into an asset catalog. When you store app icons and launch images in an asset catalog, Xcode automatically creates the required…
以下内容都是我在做App时通过自己的经验和精品的分析得来的,希望会帮助到你.但是有时个别情况也要个别分析,要活学活用. 一. App  Icon 在设计iOS App Icon时,设计师不需要切圆角,直接矩形就可以. 下面是App Icon需要的尺寸和命名(尺寸和命名不做解释): 尺寸                                                               命名 1.57x57 px                              …
Adding Image Sets Organize versions of your images in image sets, which you can add to an asset catalog. 你可以用图片集组织管理不同版本的图片 ,图片集可以放入一个asset catalog. In the project navigator, select an asset catalog. 在项目导航区(project navigator)中,选择一个asset catalog. Sele…
Adding OS X Icons Simplify image management by storing your OS X icons in an asset catalog. 把OS X图标存进一个asset catalog里可以简化图片管理.  In the project navigator, select an asset catalog. 在项目导航区,选择一个asset catalog. Choose Editor > New OS X Icon. 选择Editor > Ne…
Commit to AppStore:1024*1024 //for App IconIcon-60@3x.png:180*180 //iPhone 6 Plus (@3x)Icon-60@2x.png:120*120 //iPhone 6 and iPhone 5 (@2x)Icon-76@2x.png:152*152 //iPad and iPad mini (@2x)Icon-76.png:76*76 //iPad 2 and iPad mini (@1x)Icon.png:57*57 /…
Creating an Asset Catalog Create an asset catalog to simplify management of your app’s images. 创建一个asset catalog来简化管理应用程序图片.  Choose File > New > File. 选择File > New > File. Under iOS or OS X, select Resource. 在iOS 或 OS X中选择 Resource. Select As…
1.向appstore上传应用的时候,报了这样一个错误 ERROR ITMS-90717: "Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in '' can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel."意思是说在你应用中放置的AppIcon中图片不能是透明的图片,也不能是含有alpha的图片.简单来说就是要把图片的透明度去掉: 2.步骤:…
在使用xcode6建的项目时,有时在ios7模拟器下会出现一下情况 导航栏上方和tabbar下方会有黑边 并且会有一下警告: Applications using Launch Screen Files and targetting iOS 7.1 and earlier need to also include a Launch Image in an Asset Catalog. 解决方案: 1.选择launch images  use asset catalog 2.点击migrate 3…