GCJ——Crazy Rows (2009 Round 2 A)】的更多相关文章

题意: 给定一个N*N的矩阵,由0,1组成,只允许交换相邻的两行,把矩阵转化为下三角矩阵(对角线上方全是0),最少需要多少次交换?(保证可以转化为下三角矩阵) Large: N<=40 解析: 假如每一行的1的个数都是不相同的,即,最终答案中的矩阵是唯一的,这就相当于求对给定数组冒泡排序需要几次交换一样.但显然,题目没有如此保证. 方法是贪心法:(策略不给出证明) 从第一行到最后一行依次满足,因为可以满足前面行的也一定可以满足后面的,所以每次只需要找到可以满足当前行的最近的就可以了. 预处理最后…
https://code.google.com/codejam/contest/204113/dashboard 题目大意: 给你一个矩阵,让你转化为下三角矩阵,每次只能交换相邻的行,求最小的交换次数. 思路: 一开始觉得记录每一行最后一个1的位置,然后相邻交换排序可以直接冒泡法(甚至可以nlogn的合并排序),结果交上去错的. 想了想因为每一行最后一个1已经满足j<=i了,所以..(设行i列j) 那么就只好贪心啦,每次选最近的要交换的. #include<cstdio> #includ…
Problem You are given an N x N matrix with 0 and 1 values. You can swap any two adjacent rows of the matrix. Your goal is to have all the 1 values in the matrix below or on the main diagonal. That is, for each X where 1 ≤ X ≤ N, there must be no 1 va…
血崩- - /* CodeForces 839B - Game of the Rows [ 贪心,分类讨论] | Codeforces Round #428 (Div. 2) 注意 2 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 这组- - */ #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int n, n2, n4, a[105], k; bool solve() { n2 = 2*k; n4 = k; for (int i = 1; i <= n;…
Problem You are given an N x N matrix with 0 and 1 values. You can swap any two adjacent rows of the matrix. Your goal is to have all the 1 values in the matrix below or on the main diagonal. That is, for each X where 1 ≤ X ≤ N, there must be no 1 va…
Problem In a kingdom there are prison cells (numbered 1 to P) built to form a straight line segment. Cells number i and i+1 are adjacent, and prisoners in adjacent cells are called "neighbours." A wall with a window separates adjacent cells, and…
GCJ 271 [题目大意] Minimum Scalar Product 有两个东西(滑稽)v1=(x1,x2,x3,……,xn)和v2=(y1,y2,……yn),允许任意交换v1和v2中各数字的顺序. 请计算x1y1+……+xnyn的最小值 [输入样例(第一行为n,第二行为v1,第三行为v2)] 3 1 3 -5 -2 4 1 [输出样例(直接输出最小值)] -25 [数据范围] 稍微大一点的:100<=n<=800     -100000<=x1,y1<=100000 [解题…
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今天组里有个同事说可以查看innodb buffer pool每个表和索引占的大小,为此我搜了下,还真有方法,记录下. innodb buffer pool有几个目的: 缓存数据--众所周知,这个占了buffer pool的大半空间 缓存目录--数据字典 insert buffer 排序的内部结构--比如自适应hash的结构或者一些行锁 1.buffer pool是怎样分配空间的? SELECT engine, count(*) as TABLES, concat(,),'M') rows, c…
先上效果图. 代码: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"…