HDU 4014 Jimmy’s travel plan(图计数)】的更多相关文章

Jimmy’s travel plan Time Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65768/65768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 341    Accepted Submission(s): 58 Problem Description Jimmy lives in a huge kingdom which contains lots of beautiful cities.…
题目链接:hdu 4885 TIANKENG's travel 题目大意:给定N,L,表示有N个加油站,每次加满油能够移动距离L,必须走直线,可是能够为斜线.然后给出sx,sy,ex,ey,以及N个加油站的位置,问说最少经过几个加油站,路过不加油也算. 解题思路:一開始以为经过能够不算,所以o(n2)的复杂度建图,然后用bfs求最短距离,结果被FST了. 将点依照x坐标排序,这样在建图是保证当前点为最左点,每次建立一条边的时候,将该边的斜率记录,下次有同样的斜率则不加边,斜率能够用两个整数表示,…
PAT 1030 最短路最小边权 堆优化dijkstra+DFS 1030 Travel Plan (30 分) A traveler's map gives the distances between cities along the highways, together with the cost of each highway. Now you are supposed to write a program to help a traveler to decide the shortest…
(一)题意 题目链接:https://www.patest.cn/contests/pat-a-practise/1030 1030. Travel Plan (30) A traveler's map gives the distances between cities along the highways, together with the cost of each highway. Now you are supposed to write a program to help a tra…
前言 我什么都不会,菜的被关了起来. 有标号的DAG图I Solution 考虑递推,设\(f_i\)表示i个点的答案,显然这个东西是可以组合数+容斥递推? 设\(f_i\)表示i个点的答案,我们考虑假设现在有j个点入度为1,那么可以选出的点就是一个组合数\(C_i^j\),边的可能性有两种,对应的就是\(2^{j*(i-j)}\),然后接着搞,肯定这样子算会有重复的,所以容斥一下然后和以前的答案乘起来就好了. \(f_i=\sum_{j=1}^{i}f_{i-j}*-1^{j-1}*C_i^j…
1030 Travel Plan (30)(30 分) A traveler's map gives the distances between cities along the highways, together with the cost of each highway. Now you are supposed to write a program to help a traveler to decide the shortest path between his/her startin…
1030 Travel Plan (30 分) A traveler's map gives the distances between cities along the highways, together with the cost of each highway. Now you are supposed to write a program to help a traveler to decide the shortest path between his/her starting ci…
1030. Travel Plan (30) A traveler's map gives the distances between cities along the highways, together with the cost of each highway. Now you are supposed to write a program to help a traveler to decide the shortest path between his/her starting cit…
Source: PAT A1030 Travel Plan (30 分) Description: A traveler's map gives the distances between cities along the highways, together with the cost of each highway. Now you are supposed to write a program to help a traveler to decide the shortest path b…
1030 Travel Plan (30 分)   A traveler's map gives the distances between cities along the highways, together with the cost of each highway. Now you are supposed to write a program to help a traveler to decide the shortest path between his/her starting…