
前几天交叉编译crtmpserver到arm9下.编译通过,但是运行的时候,总是提示Alignment trap,但是并不影响程序的运行.这依然很令人不爽,因为不知道是什么原因引起的,这就像一颗定时炸弹一样,一定要解决.    修改makefile,加入-ggdb,去掉编译优化,重新编译.编译完毕,在gdb下运行,依然提示Alignment trap,并且gdb没有任何反应.按照设想,操作系统应该能捕获到这个错误,然后通过信号的方式传递给gdb,gdb再中断停下来.但是事实上并没有按 照我的设想…
项目中有时会遇到字节对齐的问题,英文为“Alignment trap”,如果直译,意思为“对齐陷阱”,不过这个说法不太好理解,还是直接用英文来表达. ARM平台下一般是4字节对齐,可以参考文后的给出的文章链接.此处不细说.后面提及“字节对齐” 下面的例子使用了几种重现Alignment trap的方法,例子1是将char*指针直接转换成int*指针,经测试,未发现有字节对齐的问题.例子2和例子3相似,主要是结构体中的字段没有进行对齐(或者访问的地址没有4字节对齐).例子4是直接访问了没有字节对齐…
Multiple sequence alignment Benchmark Data set 1. 汇总: 序列比对标准数据集: This is a collection of multiple alignment benchmarks in a uniform format that is convenient for further analysis. All files are in FASTA format, with upper…
Alignment Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 11450 Accepted: 3647 Description In the army, a platoon is composed by n soldiers. During the morning inspection, the soldiers are aligned in a straight line in front of the captain…
DNA Alignment time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Vasya became interested in bioinformatics. He's going to write an article about similar cyclic DNA sequences, so he invented a…
Alignment Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 14547 Accepted: 4718 Description In the army, a platoon is composed by n soldiers. During the morning inspection, the soldiers are aligned in a straight line in front of the captain…
之前只接触过双序列比对,现在需要开始用多序列比对了. 基本概念:多序列比对 - 百科 常用的 multiple alignment 软件: Muscle ClustalW T-coffee 软件之间的比较见文章:Muscle,ClustalW和T-coffee的简单比较…
在sublime text 2中安装了alignment插件,但使用快捷键‘ctrl+alt+a'无效,经过各种方法依然无效,最后找到了这个“Doesn't work at all for me (full steps)”,方法就是用sb打开%sb 路径%\Data\Packages\Alignment目录下的alignment.py文件,然后保存一下,就O了....…
编写网络包(存储在堆上)转换程序时,在hp-ux机器上运行时会遇到 si_code: 1 - BUS_ADRALN - Invalid address alignment. Please refer to the following link that helps in handling unaligned data 错误,经排查,是由于hp-ux 的cpu基于IA-64架构, 不支持内存随机存取,需要做字节序对齐操作. 当将内存数据类型进行强制转换后,随机读取的field1 地址很有可能不在一…