I followed the course http://brickisland.net/DDGSpring2016/, and here is the screenshot of my coding exercises. equally-weighted normal area-weighted normals angle-weighted normals mean curvature normal sphere-inscribed normal Pick some vertexes and…
I studied the on-line course(http://brickisland.net/DDGSpring2016/) by myself, and here are the screenshots of my implements(https://github.com/yaoyansi/DDGSpring2016) on some algorithms. equally-weighted normal area-weighted normals angle-weighted n…
//分析虚拟树demo6-VirtualTreeView\VirtualTreeViewV5.3.0\Demos\Minimal的main.pas文件 unit Main; // Demonstration project for TVirtualStringTree to generally show how to get started. // Written by Mike Lischke. interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Class…
Cartographer is a backpack equipped with Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) technology. 1. Platform Dell PC installed Ubuntu 14.4 and ROS Indigo. 2. Building & Installation We recommend using wstool and rosdep. For faster builds, we also re…