Nmap & ncat https://github.com/udacity/course-ud303 https://nmap.org/dist/nmap-7.30-setup.exe You'll be using Git to download course materials from the Github repository https://github.com/udacity/course-ud303. (You don't need to do this yet.) You'll…
安装pycharm www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/ tar -zxvf p补全 ls cd p补全 ls cd bin ls ./pycharm.sh 新建项目 pythonRocks.py print "python Rocks" cd Desktop ls chmod +x pythonRocks.py ls python pythonRocks.py 导入Nmap模块 cd Desktop pip install python-nmap 从网站的方式下载模块…
nmap报错: Failed to open device ethxxx 周银辉 今天用nmap时, 报错: Failed to open device eth4, 好郁闷. 调查了一下, 是winpcap引起的, 卸载掉winpcap,重新安装winpcap即可. winpcap下载地址: http://www.winpcap.org/install/default.htm…