CF 1326 D. Prefix-Suffix Palindrome】的更多相关文章

转自:   <trim prefix="" suffix="" suffixOverrides="" prefixOverrides=""></trim> prefix:在trim标签内sql语句加上前缀. suffix:在trim标签内sql语句加上后缀. suffixOverrides:…
1.<trim prefix="" suffix="" suffixOverrides="" prefixOverrides=""></trim> prefix:在trim标签内sql语句加上前缀. suffix:在trim标签内sql语句加上后缀. prefixOverrides:指定去除多余的前缀内容 suffixOverrides:指定去除多余的后缀内容,如:suffixOverrides=&qu…
CSAcademy Prefix Suffix Counting 题解 目录 CSAcademy Prefix Suffix Counting 题解 题意 思路 做法 程序 题意 给你两个数字\(N\)和\(M\),现在\(K\)表示\(M\)的位数.问你从\(1\)到\(N\),有多少个数字满足\(M\)同时是它的前\(K\)个数字和后\(K\)个数字. 思路 我们现在假设\(N\)和\(M\)都是字符串,如果没有特别提及,都作为字符串处理. 假设有一个数字\(S\)大于等于\(1\)小于等于…
D. Prefix-Suffix Palindrome 题意 给一个字符串 s,求一个字符串 t,t 由 s 的某个前缀以及某个后缀拼接而成,且 t 是回文串,长度不能超过 s.输出最长的 t 分析 建议先参考一下官方题解: 先考虑 s 的最长border,即找最大的 l,使得 \(s[1..l] = s[n-l+1...n].reverse()\) , 可以想到 t 一定能够完全包含这两部分. 假如不包含,可以把它继续…
Given many words, words[i] has weight i. Design a class WordFilter that supports one function, WordFilter.f(String prefix, String suffix). It will return the word with given prefix and suffix with maximum weight. If no word exists, return -1. Example…
Given many words, words[i] has weight i. Design a class WordFilter that supports one function, WordFilter.f(String prefix, String suffix). It will return the word with given prefix and suffix with maximum weight. If no word exists, return -1. Example…
题目如下: Given many words, words[i] has weight i. Design a class WordFilter that supports one function, WordFilter.f(String prefix, String suffix). It will return the word with given prefix and suffix with maximum weight. If no word exists, return -1. E… Given a list of unique words. Find all pairs of distinct indices (i, j) in the given list, so that the concatenation of the two words, i.e. words[i] + words[j] is a palindrome. Example 1: Given words =…
Given a string s, you are allowed to convert it to a palindrome by adding characters in front of it. Find and return the shortest palindrome you can find by performing this transformation. Example 1: Input: "aacecaaa" Output: "aaacecaaa&quo…
A    Knight 留坑. B    Tree 思路:两次树形DP,但是要考虑0没有逆元 可以用前缀后缀做 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define N 1000010 #define ll long long ; int n; ll dp[N], dp2[N]; ll prefix[N], suffix[N]; vector <int> G[N]; void Init() { ; i <= n; ++i)…