Most of the common RxJS operators are about transformation, combination or filtering, but this lesson is about a new category, error handling operators, and its most important operator: catch(). Basic catch( err => Observable): var foo = Rx.Observabl…
Summary: this tutorial shows you how to use MySQL handler to handle exceptions or errors encountered in stored procedures. When an error occurs inside a stored procedure, it is important to handle it appropriately, such as continuing or exiting the c…
Use Exceptions Rather Than Return Codes Back in the distant past there were many languages that didn't have exceptions.In those languages the techniques for handling and reportiing errors were limited.You either set an error flag or returned an error…
The default error handling in PHP is very simple.An error message with filename, line number and a message describing the error is sent to the browser. PHP has different error handling methods: Simple "die()" statements Custom errors and error t…
Error handling is important, but if it obscures logic, it's wrong. Use Exceptions Rather Than Return Codes Separate the normal operations with error handlings. e.g. Bad code: public class DeviceController { ... public void sendShutDown() { DeviceHand…
This tutorial shows you how to use MySQL handler to handle exceptions or errors encountered in stored procedures. When an error occurs inside a stored procedure, it is important to handle it appropriately, such as continuing or exiting the current co…