In this problem, we will define a graph called star graph, and the question is to find the minimum distance between two given nodes in the star graph. Given an integer nnn, an n−dimensionaln-dimensionaln−dimensional star graph, also referred to as Sn…
In this problem, we will define a graph called star graph, and the question is to find the minimum distance between two given nodes in the star graph. Given an integer nn, an n-dimensionaln−dimensionalstar graph, also referred to as S_{n}S​n​​, is an…
You are given a list of train stations, say from the station 111 to the station 100100100. The passengers can order several tickets from one station to another before the train leaves the station one. We will issue one train from the station 111 to t…
There are nnn rectangles on the plane. The problem is to find the area of the union of these rectangles. Note that these rectangles might overlap with each other, and the overlapped areas of these rectangles shall not be counted more than once. For e…
Let SSS be a sequence of integers s1s_{1}s​1​​, s2s_{2}s​2​​, ........., sns_{n}s​n​​ Each integer is is associated with a weight by the following rules: (1) If is is negative, then its weight is 000. (2) If is is greater than or equal to 10000100001…
描述 You are given a list of integers a0, a1, …, a2^k-1. You need to support two types of queries: 1. Output Minx,y∈[l,r] {ax∙ay}. 2. Let ax=y. 输入 The first line is an integer T, indicating the number of test cases. (1≤T≤10). For each test case: The fi…
2017 ACM-ICPC 亚洲区(南宁赛区)网络赛  M. Frequent Subsets Problem 题意:给定N和α还有M个U={1,2,3,...N}的子集,求子集X个数,X满足:X是U的子集且出现在M个子集中的次数>=α*M. 题解:因为N<=20,所以U的子集个数最大不过2^20.所以采用二进制把每个子集M映射压缩成一个数,比如: M={1,4,8,10}==>2^(1-0)+2^(4-1)+2^(8-1)+2^(10-1)=1+8+128+512=649(映射记为f,…
题意 : 乱七八糟说了一大堆,实际上就是问你从一个序列到另个序列最少经过多少步的变化,每一次变化只能取序列的任意一个元素去和首元素互换 分析 : 由于只能和第一个元素去互换这种操作,所以没啥最优的特别方法,只要乖乖模拟即可,如果第一个元素不在正确位置则将它和正确位置的元素交换使其回到正确位置,如果第一个元素的位置就是正确的,那么就往后找不在正确位置的元素将它互换到第一个去,然后再对第一个元素进行判断即可,直到序列变成最终满足条件的序列........ #include<bits/stdc++.h…
描述 Ming is going to travel for n days and the date of these days can be represented by n integers: 0, 1, 2, …, n-1. He plans to spend m consecutive days(2 ≤ m ≤ n)in Beijing. During these m days, he intends to use the first day and another day to vis…
2017-09-25 19:58:04 writer:pprp 题意看上去很难很难,但是耐心看看还是能看懂的,给你n位数字 你可以交换第一位和之后的某一位,问你采用最少的步数可以交换成目标 有五组数据 用BFS进行搜索,并进行剪枝,已经搜索过的点不再搜索 #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> #include <string> #…