
Helpers\Request The Helpers\Request class is used for detecting the type of request and retrieving the request. getMethod() Request::getMethod() Returns either GET or POST, depending if a $_GET request or a $_POST request has happened. getIpAddress()…
一.前言 最近整理了一下项目骨架,顺便自定义了一个脚手架,方便日后使用.我会从头开始,步骤一步步写明白,如果还有不清楚的可以评论区留言.先大致介绍一下这个骨架,我们采用 create-react-app 搭建基础骨架,修改一些基础配置: 使用webpack的import模块实现按需加载(俗称切片打包): 引入 react-redux: 引入axios: 规划好项目的目录结构.我们大致就做这些事,大家可以根据自己项目需要,添加ui包等其他插件.博客的代码只是说明大致的流程,建议先拉代码,对比代码看…
Helpers\SimpleCurl The SimpleCurl class is there to curl data from RESTful services. A lot of companies use it nowadays for example twitter, google and facebook. There are four methods available these are get, post and put. You will need to declare t…
Helpers\RainCaptcha This class can validate CAPTCHA images with RainCaptcha. It can generate an URL to display a CAPTCHA validation image served by the RainCaptcha service. The class can also send a request to RainCaptcha API to verify if the text th…
Helpers\CSRF CSRF Protection The CSRF helper is used to protect post request from cross site request forgeries. For more information on CSRF see To use place…
前沿: 有的case,需要依赖于某些特定的case才可以执行,比如,登陆获取到的cookie,每次都需要带着他,为了确保是同一个用户,必须带着和登陆获取到的同一个cookies. 大部分的用例都会先登录,那就需要把登录单独抽出来写个函数,其它用例全部的调用这个登陆函数就行.但是登录的账号不能写死,有时候我想用账号1去登录,执行用例1,用账号2去登录执行用例2,所以需要对函数传参. 登录函数传参: 把登录单独成立,写一个函数,传2个参数user和passwd,写用例的时候调用登录函数,输入几组us…
If you see a package or project here that is no longer maintained or is not a good fit, please submit a pull request to improve this file. Thank you! Contents Awesome Go Audio and Music Authentication and OAuth Command Line Configuration Continuous I…
Html助手 1 .在@app\views\test的index.php中: <?php //引入命名空间 use yii\helpers\Html; ?> <?php //[一]表单:Html::beginForm(提交地址,提交方法,属性数组);?> <?=Html::beginForm('','post',['id'=>'form','class'=>'form','data'=>'myself']);?> <?php //[二]输入框:H…
在基础版本的config目录下 web.php 或者高级版config目录下的main.php中配置 'components' =>[ 'request' => [ 'parsers' => [ 'application/json' => 'yii\web\JsonParser', ], ], ], 在使用Yii::$app->request->post()时 调用yii\web\Request 中的post方法   : public function post($na…