failed to get the required ADT version number from the sdk 解决方法: eclipse 和 android studio 工具不能同时共用同一个sdk,若共用同一个sdk, eclipse会报错,重新搞一个sdk供Eclipse使用 failed to get the required adt version from sdkversion…
之前本人的AndroidStudio和Eclipse使用的是同一个SDK,然后使用AndroidStudio的 SDK Manager对SDK进行了update,再打开Eclipse就报了“Eclipse Failed to get the required ADT version number from SDK”这个错误,根据报错的信息对Eclipse的ADT进行升级,但还是报错.这时候google了下,网友建议AndroidStudio和Eclipse不要共用SDK.于是本人download…
Gradle sync failed: Gradle version 2.2 is required. Current version is 2.10. If using the gradle wrapper, try editing the distributionUrl in xxxx/gradle/wrapper/ to (1) 修改 distribut…
今天在网上下载了EasyPusher-master文件,日期是20160527版本的,但是在我的Android Studio上运行时报错: Error:(1, 1) A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'. > Failed to apply plugin [id ''] > Gradle version 2.10 is required. Current version is 2.8. If us…
问题描述: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Failed to find the required library mclmcrrt9_2.dll on java.library.path. This library is typically installed along with MATLAB or the MATLAB Runtime. Its absence may indicate an i…
Warning:Gradle version 2.10 is required. Current version is 2.8. If using the gradle wrapper, try editing the distributionUrl in F:\work\qxueyou\gradle\wrapper\ to 本人在android程序开发过程中遇到了这个错误,如下下…