Ural 1519 Formula 1 (DP)】的更多相关文章

题意:给定一个 n * m 的矩阵,问你能花出多少条回路. #pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:1024000000,1024000000") #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <…
1814: Ural 1519 Formula 1 Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 942  Solved: 356[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description Regardless of the fact, that Vologda could not get rights to hold the Winter Olympic games of 20**, it is well-known, that t…
[BZOJ1814]Ural 1519 Formula 1 (插头dp) 题面 BZOJ Vjudge 题解 戳这里 上面那个链接里面写的非常好啦. 然后说几个点吧. 首先是关于为什么只需要考虑三进制状态,因为哈密顿回路是不可能出现自交的,因此对于当前的轮廓线一定直接分割了哈密顿回路的一部分,不可能出现只考虑分割出来的情况下,存在插头的连通性直接交叉,否则一定不合法(比如说四个连续位置,你不可能\(1,3\)匹配,因为这样子画一条路径出来,无论如何都会和\(2,4\)的路径相交).因此,我们把一…
[BZOJ1814]Ural 1519 Formula 1 题意:一个 m * n 的棋盘,有的格子存在障碍,求经过所有非障碍格子的哈密顿回路个数.(n,m<=12) 题解:插头DP板子题,刷板子,附带题解链接. 如何存放状态呢?可以采用hash,我们的hash表形如一个队列,每次新加入一个状态时,就沿着这个状态在队列中对应的hash值不断向后找,直到找到这个状态或者发现一个空位为止. 本题我的状态采用了4进制表示. #include <cstdio> #include <cstr…
1814: Ural 1519 Formula 1 Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 924  Solved: 351[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description  一个 m * n 的棋盘,有的格子存在障碍,求经过所有非障碍格子的哈密顿回路个数 Input The first line contains the integer numbers N and M (2 ≤ N, M ≤ 12). Each of…
1519. Formula 1 @ Timus Online Judge 干了一天啊!!!插头DP入门. 代码如下: #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <cmath> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; ; ; L…
http://acm.timus.ru/problem.aspx?space=1&num=1519 题目描述 一个 m * n 的棋盘,有的格子存在障碍,求经过所有非障碍格子的哈密顿回路个数. 输入 The first line contains the integer numbers N and M (2 ≤ N, M ≤ 12). Each of the next N lines contains M characters, which are the corresponding cells…
Description Background Regardless of the fact, that Vologda could not get rights to hold the Winter Olympic games of 20**, it is well-known, that the city will conduct one of the Formula 1 events. Surely, for such an important thing a new race circui…
Description Regardless of the fact, that Vologda could not get rights to hold the Winter Olympic games of 20**, it is well-known, that the city will conduct one of the Formula 1 events. Surely, for such an important thing a new race circuit should be…
插头DP基础题的样子...输入N,M<=11,以及N*M的01矩阵,0(1)表示有(无)障碍物.输出哈密顿回路(可以多回路)方案数... 看了个ppt,画了下图...感觉还是挺有效的... 参考http://www.cnblogs.com/kuangbin/archive/2012/10/02/2710343.html 以及推荐cd琦的论文ppthttp://wenku.baidu.com/view/4fe4ac659b6648d7c1c74633.html 向中学生学习~~ 感觉以后可能还会要…