问题链接 LeetCode 795 题目解析 给定一个数组A,左右范围L.R.求子数组的数量,要求:子数组最大值在L.R之间. 解题思路 子数组必须连续,利用最大值R对数组进行分段,设定变量 left 记录每段开始位置(\(A[left] > R\),\(A[left+1] ≤ R\)),初始值为-1. 遍历数组,通过A[i]大小判断: 若 A[i] 在L.R之间,则 ans+=(i-j): 若 A[i] 大于R,则更改左界 left=i: 关键在于处理小于L的情况,由于需要子数组的最大值在L.…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 动态规划 暴力搜索+剪枝 线性遍历 日期 题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/number-of-subarrays-with-bounded-maximum/description/ 题目描述 We are given an array A of positive integers, and two positiv…
数学的方式 是对于所有的字符分成简单的三类 0 小于 L 1 LR 之间 2 大于R 也就是再求 不包含 2 但是包含1 的子数组个数 不包含2的子数组个数好求 对于连续的相邻的n个 非2类数 就有 n*(n-1)//2 + n 个连续子数组 但是包含1 的子数组个数不好求,这里求反 求不包含 包含1 不包含2 的 子数组个数 原理同上 (将1 类这时视为2类) 最后做差即可 dp A[i] 为以 i 结尾的满足条件的子数组个数 A[i] =A[i-1] 当A[i] 是第1类数 A[i] =pr…
We are given an array A of positive integers, and two positive integers L and R (L <= R). Return the number of (contiguous, non-empty) subarrays such that the value of the maximum array element in that subarray is at least L and at most R. Example :…
We are given an array A of positive integers, and two positive integers L and R (L <= R). Return the number of (contiguous, non-empty) subarrays such that the value of the maximum array element in that subarray is at least Land at most R. Example : I…
We are given an array A of positive integers, and two positive integers L and R (L <= R). Return the number of (contiguous, non-empty) subarrays such that the value of the maximum array element in that subarray is at least L and at most R. Example :…
版权声明: 本文为博主Bravo Yeung(知乎UserName同名)的原创文章,欲转载请先私信获博主允许,转载时请附上网址 http://blog.csdn.net/lzuacm. C#版 - Leetcode 191. Number of 1 Bits题解 191. 位1的个数 在线提交: https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/number-of-1-bits/description/ 题目描述 编写一个函数,输入是一个无符号整数,返回其二进制表达式中数字位数为…
Given a 2d grid map of '1's (land) and '0's (water), count the number of islands. An island is surrounded by water and is formed by connecting adjacent lands horizontally or vertically. You may assume all four edges of the grid are all surrounded by…
Given a non-empty 2D array grid of 0's and 1's, an island is a group of 1's (representing land) connected 4-directionally (horizontal or vertical.) You may assume all four edges of the grid are surrounded by water. Count the number of distinct island…
Given a non-empty 2D array grid of 0's and 1's, an island is a group of 1's (representing land) connected 4-directionally (horizontal or vertical.) You may assume all four edges of the grid are surrounded by water. Count the number of distinct island…