MASTERING CREATIVITY, 1st EditionThis guide is free and you are welcome to share it withothers.From James Clear:For most of my life, I didn't consider myself to be particularly creative. I didn't play a musicalinstrument (or even know how to read mus…
[it-ebooks]电子书列表   [2014]: Learning Objective-C by Developing iPhone Games || Leverage Xcode and Objective-C to develop iPhone games Web App Development || Build Quickly with Proven JavaScript Techniques http:…
只需要具备以下技能,人人都可以成为企业家:经得起失败的考验,思维活跃,新点子不断,能够脚踏实地把新点子转化为产品,并在这个过程中坚持不懈,百折不挠,即使跌倒了,也要及时从失败中学习,迅速投入到下一次冒险之旅中.      ——詹姆斯·阿尔图切尔(James Altucher) 接下来这份长长的清单不仅是为企业家.创业者准备的,只要你想过上更惬意的生活,在工作中更加得心应手,这些资料就适合你.我相信这些资料总会帮助到大家甚至是读到这篇文章的每个人. 那我们就来看下能让梦想成真的免费应用/工具! 创…
优秀软件的一个关键特征就是具有并发性.过去的几十年,我们可以进行并发编程,但是难度很大.以前,并发性软件的编写.调试和维护都很难,这导致很多开发人员为图省事放弃了并发编程.新版.NET 中的程序库和语言特征,已经让并发编程变得简单多了.随着Visual Studio 2012 的发布,微软明显降低了并发编程的门槛.以前只有专家才能做并发编程,而今天,每一个开发人员都能够(而且应该)接受并发编程. 1.1简介 首先,我来解释几个贯穿本书始终的术语.先来介绍并发. 并发 同时做多件事情 这个解释直接…
Introduction In the software development life cycle, testing and defect fixing take more time than actually code writing. In general, debugging is a process of finding out defects in the program and fixing them. Defect fixing comes after the debuggin…
Introductory guide to Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and their promise! Introduction Neural Networks have made great progress. They now recognize images and voice at levels comparable to humans. They are also able to understand natural langua…
AIOps platforms enhance IT operations through greater insights by combining big data, machine learning and visualization. I&O leaders should initiate AIOps deployment to refine performance analysis today and augment to IT service management and autom…
AlphaGo: Mastering the ancient game of Go with Machine Learning Posted by David Silver and Demis Hassabis, Google DeepMind Games are a great testing ground for developing smarter, more flexible algorithms that have the ability to tackle problems in w…
基于TI Davinci架构的双核嵌入式应用处理器OMAPL138开发入门 原文转自 感谢wangpengqi的共享. 一.简单介绍 TI的达芬奇架构嵌入式应用处理器使用DSP与ARM结合的非对称多核结构,当然如今也有管脚全兼容的单核.本文要介绍的就是当中的一款低功耗处理器OMAP L138. OMAP L138包含一个主频300M的ARM9处理器内核和一个300M的C6748DSP内核…
注:写在前面,这是一篇翻译文章,本人的英文水平很有限,但内嵌汇编是学习操作系统不可少的知识,本人也常去查看这方面的内容,本文是在做mit的jos实验中的一篇关于内嵌汇编的介绍.关于常用的内嵌汇编(AT&T格式)的语法都有介绍,同时在篇末还列出了常用的一些内嵌汇编代码的写法.看了很有益处.大牛就不必看了.当然非常欢迎对文章中的翻译错误或不当之处进行指正. ps:这是这篇文章的原地址:…