[response.sendfile() fails with Error: Forbidden] 参考:https://github.com/expressjs/express/issues/1465…
Problem: Windows Task Scheduler Fails With Error Code 2147943785 Solution: This is usually due to a permissions issue. It’s due to the user that is running the scheduled task not having the Log On As Batch Job assignment. To fix it, have your Network…
Shell script fails: Syntax error: “(” unexpected google 一下. http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/45781/shell-script-fails-syntax-error-unexpected The script does not begin with a shebang line, so the kernel executes it with /bin/sh. On Ubuntu, /bi…
环境:centos7 执行一下命令时, docker service create --mode global --name logspout gliderlabs/logspout 出现以下报错: Error response from daemon: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = name conflicts with 首先翻译以下这个报错: 从守护进程的错误响应:RPC错误:代码=未知的计算机名称冲突与现有的对象 分析一下这句话:计算机名称冲突是重点 原…
错误出现 在一台物理机重启后,以前创建的容器无法启动了.一启动,则会报出错误. [root@217TN1V ~]# docker start e7e Error response from daemon: devmapper: Error mounting '/dev/mapper/docker-253:4-11534337-ee772425c4996ca581e5c234806adf41aede9424a83ce1402596105a9f66434d' on '/export/docker/d…
1. 问题现象 1.1在system copy后,提示RFC报错Unable to configure STMS 2.  重要的参考文件: 2.1RFC passwords not available after system copy, client copy or migration 2.2 1532825 - Deleting SECSTORE entries during system export/system copy 2.3 RFC destination fails with e…
主机环境 centos7.2 执行 docker service create --replicas 6 --name myweb -p 80:80 nginx:latest 时 报 Error response from daemon: rpc error: code = AlreadyExists desc = name conflicts with an existing object: service myweb already exists 报错原因:项目名冲突 docker serv…
Forbidden You don't have permission to access /{you_app_name}on this server. 需要修改两处: wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.4.4\conf\httpd.conf 将其中的 Order Deny,Allow Deny from all Allow from Allow from ::1 Allow from localhost 改为: Order Deny,AllowAllow fr…
环境:cetos7 描述:创建完docker swarm,想把node主机加入swarm中,执行以下命令时,报错 无法连接! 原因是:防火墙!!!!!!!没关!!!! 解决办法是:关闭防火墙…
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34242622/windows-udp-sockets-recvfrom-fails-with-error-10054 #include <Winsock2.h> #include <Mstcpip.h> #include <stdio.h> #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib") #define SIO_UDP_CONNRESET _WSAIOW…