24 WHEN CAN WE STOP TESTING? 2015-09-25 THERE IS NO simple way of deciding when a system is completely tested. Most authors agree that there is no single criterion we can use in order to decide that we have fi nished the job. Here are some variants o…
1. What is Quality? Quality means, “meeting requirements.” ..Whether or not the product or service does what the customer needs. In another word Quality is, “fit for use.” 2. Explain “Prevention” & “Detection”. ..Prevention means to prevent quality d…
1. golang 中 json 转 struct <1. 使用 json.Unmarshal 时,结构体的每一项必须是导出项(import field).也就是说结构体的 key 对应的首字母必须为大写.请看下面的例子: package commontest import ( "testing" "encoding/json" ) type Person struct { name string age int } func TestStruct2Json(…
Detecting suspicious activities using Wireshark You can use make the MAC address of the router to static on the ARP table to prevent ARP attack. But it is not effective and useful for big companys . Start the attacks from the Kali Linux. Analyze the…
JavaScript 最初是用来创建动态网站效果的的前端语言.而如今,这门脚本语言也可以用作后端开发,用于搭建 Web 服务器,开发接口,甚至创建博客.在下面这个列表中包括24个 Node.js 教程和在线指南.这些资源对于任何想要学习更多的关于 Node.js 的知识的开发人员都是很有用的. 您可能感兴趣的相关文章 经典网页设计:超炫动画效果单页网站 30个独具匠心的精美单页网站设计案例 25个以全屏照片为背景的精美网页作品 20个与众不同的网页联系表单设计案例 20个模糊背景在网站中的经典应…
https://code.google.com/codejam/contest/619102/dashboard#s=p1&a=1 Problem Now that you have won Code Jam and been hired by Google as a software engineer, you have been assigned to work on their wildly popular programming contest website. Google is ex…
Unit Testing a zend-mvc application A solid unit test suite is essential for ongoing development in large projects, especially those with many people involved. Going back and manually testing every individual component of an application after every c…
Day 23 禁用CSS  Disable CSS 为什么 ? CSS,层叠样式表,是用来定义web页面布局和显示的机制.通过修改CSS样式,可以改变整个页面的外观. 但是有一些人,因为之前的选择或者其他原因,或选择禁用浏览器的CSS.这样可以使得站点看起来更加简单,最终也有利于屏幕阅读功能访问这些页面. 因此,在css禁用场景下的测试还是很重要的.如果禁用了CSS,你会惊讶的发现站点的流程和顺序都会有改变. 怎么做 ? 我发现的最简单的测试方法就是,用装有web开发工具插件的Firefox来打…
When using Redux, we can test that our application state changes are working by testing that dispatching actions to the store creates our expected output. In this lesson we will run a few realistic actions back to back (as if the user is using the ap…
这里面说到的一个就是使用循环新建一个字符串时,用到了join(),这个比较高效,常常会随着push(); 绑定某个动作时,可以把要执行的绑定内容定义为一个函数,然后再执行.这样做的好处有很多.第一是可以多次执行,第二是方便调试,第三是方便重构. As a follow-up to “30 HTML and CSS Best Practices”, this week, we’ll review JavaScript! Once you’ve reviewed the list, be sure…
 ROPERTIES::type: KnowledgeBase_Cloud:END: 开源.多协议.分布式的压力测试工具   Item Summary tsung-recorder start 通过proxy来录音http的测试脚本 tsung start 启动tsung测试 /usr/local/lib/tsung/bin/tsung_stats.pl 针对测试后的log, 生成报表 /usr/lib/tsung/bin/tsung_stats.pl 针对测试后的log, 生成报表 ls /u…
91 Testing Linux学习笔记... 学习地址:91Testing 的Linux教程=====================学习网址:http://www.91testing.net/archive/course/24 环境准备: 虚拟机--VMware WorkstationLinux系统--Redhat7 + Centos7远程工具SSH下载地址-Xshell5http://down.linuxprobe.com/Tools/Xshell_5.0_Setup_LinuxProbe…
Previously we have seen how to do Unit testing with Mockito; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; public class SomeBusinessMockTests { @Tes…
阿里云CentOS 7.1使用yum安装MySql5.6.24 作者:vfhky | 时间:2015-06-25 09:43 | 分类:web 在前面两篇文章<2015博客升级记(四):CentOS 7.1编译安装MySQL5.7.7rc>和<阿里云CentOS 7.1编译安装MySql5.6.24>中,都是采用编译MySQL源码的方式安装的,过程相对比较复杂.所以,这篇文章演示如何使用yum的方式安装MySql5.6.24. 1 常规错误的yum安装方法: 在前文中记述了Cent…
MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases. This is guide, howto install or upgrade MySQL Community Server latest version 5.7 (5.7.17) on Fedora 25/24/23, CentOS…
写在前面 上一节我们使用AssImp载入了3d模型,效果已经令人激动了.可是绘制效率和场景真实感还存在不足,接下来我们还是要保持耐心,继续学习一些高级主题,等学完后面的高级主题,我们再次来改进我们载入模型的过程. 本节将会学习深度測试.文中演示样例程序源码均能够在我的github下载. 本节内容整理自 1.www.learnopengl.com Depth testing 2.depth buffer faq 3.Z buffer 和 W buffer 簡介 通过本节能够了解到 为什么须要深度缓…
http://people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/es6-draft.html#sec-23.4 Draft Report Errors and Issues at: https://bugs.ecmascript.org Product: Draft for 6th Edition Component: choose an appropriate one Version: Rev 27, August 24, 2014 Draft Ecma/TC39/2014/0xx…
1.Metasploit整体框架: Shell中直接输入msfconsole启动PostgreSQL数据库服务 :service postgresql start 监听5432端口初始化Metasploit数据库 :msfdb init查看数据库联接情况 :msfconsole db_status建立数据库缓存 :msfconsole db_rebuild_cache 专业术语 – Exploit,攻击工具/代码– Payload,攻击载荷– Shellcode– Module,模块– List…
说明:由于甲骨文公司收购了MySQL后,有将MySQL闭源的潜在风险,因此CentOS社区采用mysql的MariaDB分支的方式来避开这个风险. 所以需要先加入yum的仓库,才能利用yum来安装mysql. 那么为什么需要用yum的方式呢?yum能自己帮我们安装好mysql的依赖组件,不需要用户手动安装. 本文纯手打,转载请说明来源 环境 CentOS 7.1 (64-bit system) MySQL 5.6.24 CentOS 安装 参考:CentOS中文站 依赖 MySQL 依赖 lib…
题目链接 https://vjudge.net/problem/CodeForces-1121C 题面 Description Vasya likes taking part in Codeforces contests. When a round is over, Vasya follows all submissions in the system testing tab. There are \(n\) solutions, the \(i\)-th of them should be t…
转自:http://blog.csdn.net/jmq_0000/article/details/7536805#t136 Video for Linux Two API Specification Revision 0.24 Michael H Schimek <mschimek@gmx.at> Bill Dirks Hans Verkuil Martin Rubli Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 20…
Case Study The case study Physicians' Reactions sought to determine whether physicians spend less time with obese patients. Physicians were sampled randomly and each was shown a chart of a patient complaining of a migraine headache. They were then as…
转自https://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/java/JavaUnitTesting.html yet another insignificant programming notes...   |   HOME TABLE OF CONTENTS (SHOW) Java Unit Testing -  & TestNG 1.  Introduction to Unit Testing Framework The various type o…
OWASP ZAP(ZED ATTACK PROXY) Automatically find vulnerabilities in web applications. Free and easy to use. It can also be used for manual testing. This is the welcome page. Options Page Scan Policy Setting Page. Attack this target URL…
SQL INJECTION SQLMAP Tool designed to exploit SQL injections. Works with many DB types, MySQL, MSSQL ...etc. >sqlmap --help >sqlmap -u [target URL] Following are examples: sqlmap -u "…
jest jest & code testing https://jestjs.io/zh-Hans/ 24.9 https://jestjs.io/docs/zh-Hans/getting-started.html demos https://github.com/facebook/jest/issues/8133 测试 目录结构 如何组织项目中测试的目录结构 https://github.com/xgqfrms/FEAT/issues/3 ReactDOM antd vue 2.x angu…
A/B testing主要用来检测网站或者APP的两个版本中哪一个更好,它的中心思想是把流量一分为二,一份用作experiment group,访问新的版本,另一份用作control group,访问旧的版本. 假设现在有一个网站,要测试是否增大网页Register的字体,可以增加注册用户. 进行AB testing,首先要选择Unit of Diversion, 就是把实验分成两组的标准.在这个实验中,可以选择unique cookies to view the web page. 然后要选定…
This essay is a part of my knowledge sharing session slides which are shared for development and quality team. I want to share some contents here and hope that may trigger some brainstorming or thoughts about how could we do better test automation by…
Introduction Log files are files that contain messages about the system, including the kernel, services, and applications running on it. There are different log files for different information. For example, there is a default system log file, a log f…
CSharpGL(24)用ComputeShader实现一个简单的图像边缘检测功能 效果图 这是红宝书里的例子,在这个例子中,下述功能全部登场,因此这个例子可作为使用Compute Shader的典型示例. ★用imageLoad从纹理中读取数据.★ ★用imageStore将数据写入纹理.★ ★用vertex/fragment shader显示出compute shader的计算结果.★ 下面是3个测试用例. 下载 CSharpGL已在GitHub开源,欢迎对OpenGL有兴趣的同学加入(ht…